Beck Oliver

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Auditions are hell. Anyone who tells you something else is crazy, full of themselves or possibly both. Unfortunately auditions were a critical part of show business, which is how I found myself sitting in a room of people waiting to be called. One would think that after ten years of auditioning for plays, musicals, television, movies, and commercials that I would be less freaked out. However, my anxiety was just as intense now as it was the day of my first audition for a community theater production of Annie when I was six. Pathetic. 

I could feel my hands shaking slightly along with my legs a common side effect of the anxiety which was bubbling up in my chest. Attempting to gain control I tried to focus on my breathing, in and out deep breaths. My eyes were shut as I attempted to calm myself but I could sense a lingering gaze in my direction, slowly I opened my eyes to see a boy about my age smiling at me. Not used to have a cute boy smile at me, I raised my hand and waved back rather awkwardly if I do say myself, confused as to why he would be smiling at me. Is is possible that I know him from somewhere? No I would have remember someone that hot. 

"Hi," he says 

"Hi?" I say softly it sounding more like a question

"Sorry I didn't mean to freak you out, you just looked a bit nervous," he says chuckling softly, "First time auditioning."

"No, unfortunately no matter how many times I do this I still get freaked out," I say laughing slightly at myself 

"Well I'm sure you'll do great, my name is Beck by the way," he says

"Y/N," I say, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you t-"

"Beck Oliver you're on deck," a man holding a clipboard announces walking into the room

"Well that's me," Beck says standing to his feet, "I look forward to seeing your gorgeous face again." With that he disappeared into the next room, leaving me in shock but feeling slightly better. 

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