Beck Oliver

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It was another day in Sikowtiz's class, Tori and Cat were doing a scene on the stage while the rest of us sat back in our chairs and watched them perform. Glancing over at the seat next to me, I saw my boyfriend Beck playing with his hair, pen in mouth. 

"See something you like L/N?" Beck whispers cheekily going out of his way to exaggerate the flipping of his hair

"You wish," I say laughing softly, "Whatcha writing over there Casanova?"

"Don't you want to know," he says folding up the paper and hiding it from my view

"Come on Beck please," I ask reaching over in attempt to grab it, falling into his lap slightly. Much to my dismay he simply chuckled softly as he shock his head, "Baby please. Why can't I see it?"

"Thats for me to know and you too wonder," he says holding it high above his head

"Beck, Y/N, something you'd like to share with the class?" Sikowitz asks getting our attention, "Beck what is that paper in your hand." 

"I um..its," Beck mumbles softly

"Well, since you two are disrupting my lesson, you can read it aloud for us all," Sikowitz says Beck's face turning red as he slowly unfolded the piece of paper

"Umm okay, here goes nothing," Beck says softly, "A letter to my love, I have never been very good at talking. Whenever I try to express the emotions whirling in my soul, my throat tightens blocking me from saying anything. So I will write," he says the room getting quiet everyone hanging on every word he said. I could feel my heart being to swell at the sweet letter, " You were always there for me every time I chased after one obsession or another. You quietly stood by my side supporting me. Though I didn't know it at the time, I loved you, you were more than just a best friend to me. I could tell you things easily and you just listened. You always made me laugh. I thought I had my life figured out, but I didn't. Without my knowing from the moment I first saw you real love began to take shape in my heart. You were so different from the other girls I chased. You cared. Love radiated in your heart spilling out into the lives of all those around you. You weren't just pretty on the outside you had a beauty somewhere deep within. Everything that I am is yours all I ask is that you take care of yourself in the same way you would care for a person you love completely, in the same way I love you. Happy year and a half, love Beck." 

"Oh my god Beck," I say softly trying to hold back the tears. Unable to control myself I threw myself into his lap and wrapped my arms around him tightly, "I love you so much."

"I love you too princess, sorry the moment wasn't more private and special," he says softly burying his head in my shoulder

"It was perfect," I say softly 

"Can you guys knock it off!" Jade yells 

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