Beck Oliver

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A/N: This is part two of the one where Y/N confessed her feelings to Beck after the Full Moon Jam, if you haven't read that one yet go back before reading this one :)


"You want to know why I can't talk to you right now! Its because you're the reason I'm crying! You Beck Oliver are the reason I am so upset right now! I am crying right now because I am in love with you, and the song I just sang was all about you! Now if you'll excuse me this was not how I wanted my day to go, so I'm gonna leave now!!" I yell sobbing before running off in the opposite direction leaving beck to stare at me wide eyed. 

Back to current time

I was a mess that much was clear, my face was read and puffy, my hair was frazzled, and my cheeks were covered with watery streaks from hours on end of crying and that was just the physical. I was still struggling to realize what had just happened, how could one moment make as big of a mess as this one had. 

"I'm so fucked," I mumble into my pillow sobbing softly. One thing was official I was not going to school tomorrow, or the rest of the week. Is it too late in the year to change schools? Or change my name? "What the hell is wrong with me?" The crying began to take its toll on my body, a raging headache inflicted itself on me, and eventually the exhausting became to much and I felt myself drift off to sleep. 

"Y/N wake up love you're going to be late for school," my mothers voice calls out waking me from my sleep, groaning softly I lifted myself up onto my elbows blinking harshly as I tried to adjust to the light 

"Mom, I'm not feeling to good I'm gonna stay home," I say, the second the words left my mouth my mother rushed into my room a look of panic on her face

"What happened are you okay?" she asks, "Wait have you been crying?"

"Yeah mom, something happened at school and I'm not quite ready to go back yet," I say softly, "And before you offer no I don't want to talk about it, but thanks."

"Okay honey if that's what you want, do you want me to take a day off as well? We can watch movies and eat ice cream," she offers making my heart swell

"I really just want to be alone right now mom, but thanks," I say softly

"Okay well, just know I love you and I can always rush home if you need me," she says wrapping me in a tight hug

"Thanks mom," I say feeling slightly better as she walked out of my room, however it didn't stop me from once again hiding back under my covers. I don't know how long I stayed hidden under my covers, attempting to hide myself from what was my new reality, but eventually the buzzing of my phone became too much for me to ignore. Hesitantly I sat up in my bed and reached for my phone from my nightstand, and turned the screen on. My eyes widened as I took in all the messages. Andre: 15 missed calls, 23 text messages, Cat: 2 missed calls, 34 text messages, Robbie: 5 missed calls, 15 text messages, Jade: 20 missed calls, 27 text messages, Beck: 12 missed calls, 24 text messages

My heart froze as I read that last one, I wasn't sure if I could do that to myself just yet. I wasn't ready to have to read the message that would only end in more hurt. Summoning every ounce of bravery in my I cautiously opened the message app and went to Becks contact. 

Beck: Y/N where'd you go last night 9:21 pm

Beck: Seriously did you just leave last night 9:25 pm

Beck: Come on Y/N we need to talk about this last night 9:30 pm

Beck: Real mature last night 9:32 pm

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