Beck Oliver

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"Beck is in the Black Box," Cat says her voice sounding out of breath as she ran up to me, "He said he wants to talk to you."

"What?" I ask laughing, "Why did he send you?"

"Because he needed to stay in the Black Box so that he could finish setting up the sur-" Cat suddenly stopped slamming her hand over her mouth, "I shouldn't have said that."

"Cat what's going on?" I ask 

"Nothing, just go see Beck," she says before running off in the opposite direction

"What in the world," I mumble softly to myself before heading over to the Black Box per Cat's instructions, I mean what did I have to loose. When I finally made it, pushing the large doors out of the way, I saw Beck standing in the middle of the stage surrounded by fairy lights, "Beck what's going on?"

"I um wanted to talk to you about something Y/N," he says awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, "Also I um know that you really light pretty lights so... I thought you'd like this."

"I do like lights but I'm confused," I say, "They do look really pretty Beck, but um can you tell me what's going on." 

"Right sorry," he says, "So umm Y/N you are my best friend and every moment I spend with you is better than a moment without you."

"Aww Becky," I say happily before realizing I cut him off, "Oh my god I cut you off, I'm so sorry."

"Don't feel bad, I'm almost done anyways," he says smiling, "So um back to what I was saying, Y/N L/N would you maybe consider going on a date with me." 

"Wait are you serious?" I ask smiling so widely my jaw was beginning to hurt slightly

"Definitely so will you?" he asks

"Of course!" I say happily throwing my arms around his shoulders without hesitation he wrapped his arms around my waist and began to spin me around 

"Oh my god," he says after he set me down on the floor, "I'm so happy you said yes, I was really nervous."

"Why wouldn't I say yes you're seriously amazing Beck," I say happily

"I think you're amazing too, and I can't wait for our date," he says smiling just as widely as I am, "Pick you up on seven, Saturday?" Unable to speak I just began to smile really widely

"Did you ask her yet?" Cat asks running into the room, "did you ask her? Did you ask her?" 

"Yeah I did thanks for the help Cat," Beck says 

"I helped with the lights!" Cat says happily 

"Aww thanks Kit-Kat," I say smiling 

"Come on Y/N/N we have class," she says grabbing my hand

"I'll see you later okay," I say turning to Beck before heading out the door with Cat

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