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       Hajime got up from his seat and was beginning to make his way over to the door that the Ultimate Imposter had left open when another student walked in.

  "Hajime," Nagito gave him a small smile, "I hope you don't mind that Byakuya let me in."

  "I'm just glad to see you," Hajime rubbed the back of his neck, "And I don't mind being a part of whatever you and the Imposter are up to."

  The lucky student looked at him with wide eyes, "You knew you were talking to the Imposter?"

  Hajime gave him an awkward smile, "It's not like he's the same weight as the real Byakuya or Ryota."

  "I don't think even Izuru can figure that out. Being able to tell the difference from a slight weight change," Nagito smiled at him, "you truly are amazing, Hajime."

  "I doubt he doesn't know. I mean, it's a big difference," Hajime scratched his cheek, "A-anyways, you have something to give me, right?"

  Nagito nervously shifted from one foot to the other before he eventually handed Hajime a card, "Bad luck tends to follow me in the kitchen, so I thought you might like this instead."

  Hajime stared down at the card, "Is it alright if I open it?"

  The boy nodded, "It's probably better if you do."

  "Are these tickets?"

  "This might be selfish of me to say but," his classmate looked at him nervously, "I'd really like to go somewhere with you. We've gone to many places together for our class trips but we've never been to the aquarium before. Of course, I'm probably not the best person to go with and it might be boring watching the fish-"

  "Don't say that," Hajime smiled as he handed Nagito the card back, "Everywhere is fun when I'm with you."

  "Really?" Nagito took a shaky breath, "But what if I have bad luck that day? The glass could break and we might get eaten by sharks or even whales. And that's if we don't get swept up by the waves and drown first!"

  Hajime hummed, "That is pretty unlucky."

  He frowned, "So maybe it's better that you don't accept my valentine..."

  "But you say that your luck balances itself out, right?" Hajime said, "I bet if the glass broke and the fish swam out, we could probably catch a ride on dolphin and arrive safely outside."

  Nagito frantically shook his head, "There would be no escape if that happens. I don't want to think of what could possibly happen to you if you stay near me for too long."

  "It's true that I find myself in the weirdest situations when I'm around you," Hajime smiled, "But I wouldn't have this many great memories if it wasn't for you and your fun adventures."

  The boy tried to hide his face behind the card, "Even if you don't mind my luck that much, going by ourselves pretty much means we're going out on a date."

  Hajime started, "If you don't want it to be a date, it doesn't have-"

  "Of course, I want it to be!" Nagito, startled by his own outburst, looked away with reddening cheeks, "I-I mean, if it's with you then I would want it to be a date. You don't have to accept my valentine, but I would like to go out with you."

  Hajime felt his cheeks getting warmer, "Maybe-"

  "W-we should get going," Nagito held Hajime's hand as he led him out of the classroom, "It wouldn't be nice to keep the class waiting for so long."

  "Um, Nagito..."

  The boy gave him a shy smile, "You can tell me whatever you want during the party, alright? I just wouldn't want to be rude to our classmates."

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