I'll Always Think of You

Start from the beginning

Neil had (Y/N) pinned to the wall, yelling in his face. "You're just a low-life piece of shit! You have nothing going for you, and you and my son can both rot in hell! You're the reason this country is going to shit, and when Reagan is elected, people like you will finally be forced to understand your sins," he fired off. (Y/N) stayed silent, staring into the man's dead eyes. He knew everything the man was saying was false, and it was nothing he hadn't heard before. "So, what, both of you fucking flamers don't talk? Are your throats too god damn raw?" he yelled before lifting his knee into (Y/N)'s stomach. He let out a pained grunt as Neil let go of him, allowing (Y/N) to wrap his arms around his stomach. This gave Neil the chance to kick (Y/N) in the face, sending the boy to the ground as he yelped in pain, now clutching his face.

"The only sack of shit in the room is you, Mr. Hargrove," (Y/N) shot back through bloodied teeth. This earned him a swift kick to the groin, causing another grunt. "What sad man can't love his own son for who he is, and instead resorts to attempted murder?" (Y/N) questioned, pushing his luck even more as he stared up at Billy's father.

"You don't know the first thing about me," Neil spat out before beginning to lay various kicks to multiple parts of (Y/N)'s body. One would land on his chest, while others perfectly in the middle of his stomach, some in his groin, and few on his face.

"Neil, please!" Susan finally called out, seeing all the blood seeping into the carpet, onto the boy's pants and not being able to listen to his various cries of pain anymore.

"Susan! He needs to be taught a lesson!" Neil shouted, not stopping his assault on (Y/N).


Billy's air was slowly coming back to him. He could hear again, but his vision was still blurry and was on the verge of fainting. He knew his dad was beating on (Y/N). It was inevitable, but he honestly thought that (Y/N) would've run out of the house at the first sight of Neil. Billy was paralyzed at the sight of (Y/N) across the room, his body constantly hitting the bottom of the wall as Neil laid blow after blow. His hair was matted to his face with blood, and one of his eyes had already been swollen shut. His shirt was torn, exposing his stomach, ribs and chest which was red and slowly beginning to bruise. He no doubt had a few broken bones. But Billy couldn't help. He was useless, like he always was. All he could do was lay there, weak, devoid of oxygen and movement as his boyfriend got the life beat out of him.

Max's tight grip on his shoulder and comforting one in his hair was suddenly gone, but Billy couldn't move his head to see why. Slowly though, she came into view as she walked over him, approaching his dad.

"Dad," she said, it was the first time she had called him that. "Please, please stop," she pleaded, her voice weak and quiet. Max was never weak, and she was rarely quiet. She was always strong, loud, demanding and knew what she wanted. But not this time. "You're scaring me."

Neil stopped. His hand was on the wall, his body hunched over (Y/N)'s broken body. His breathing was ragged and his eyes were squeezed shut. Slowly, Neil turned his head to look at Max. Her fingertips had little spots of blood on them from Billy's coughing, but other than that she just looked absolutely terrified. Her step-dad was ready to kill both her older step-brother and this boy that none of them knew. So what could he possibly do to her if she were to ever get in his way?

Pushing himself off of the wall, Neil looked over at Billy. He was still on the floor, the coughing and blood had stopped. But quiet tears were still escaping and he still couldn't breathe or see right, and his hearing was muffled. He knew he wouldn't be awake for much longer. Then Neil looked at the boy at his feet. His (e/c) eyes were hard to see, but he was strong. He wasn't about to give up. He had managed to push his body off of the ground and was now standing, leaning against Billy's dresser, pressing his hands against his side. Next, Neil looked at Susan. She was still stood by the door, a sad look in her eye. She wouldn't have done anything to stop him, Neil knew that. He didn't know how to feel about it however. Finally, his eyes settled on Max. She was staring directly into his eyes, pleading with him silently to stop everything. So he did.

"We're leaving," he said finally, startling Susan and Max.


"We can't be in California anymore. It's too open, too many fags here. Too many people will know what happened. We're leaving. Indiana is a Republican state, we'll go there. Straighten him out. I've got an old friend out there from high school. We'll leave next week," he said finally before stalking out of the room. Susan followed him quietly, not daring to object. Max looked between the two bloody boys before leaving the room too and closing the door.

Once the door shut, (Y/N) let out a string of cuss words he had been holding in. "Son of a bitch, that fucking hurt," he finalized, limping over to Billy. Billy had managed to push himself into a sitting position, his back against his bed.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his throat raw. Ironically enough, his father's statement was right, except his father was the reason he couldn't speak.

"Don't be, babe. I knew he was like that, I knew it would happen eventually," (Y/N) brushed off, wiping the blood off of Billy's chin. He gently maneuvered the blonde's head onto his shoulder. "Think of me when you're in Indiana, yeah?" he joked, trying to get Billy to crack a smile.

"I'll always think of you," Billy muttered, his eyes fluttering shut, breath slow and labored.

"I know, handsome," (Y/N) murmured, laying a soft kiss to Billy's head. "I know."

i have no idea what the fuck this is

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