The Rival and Bathroom Shenanigans

Start from the beginning

"Alright every one let's play a game of 'Capture the Flag'" Eye Bags said holding a piece of paper. We were all assembled at the front of one of the many mini cities owned by UA dressed in our gym uniforms "teams are;

Red; Shoji, Koda, Tokoyami, Todoroki

Blue; Yaoyurozu, Jirou, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu

Yellow: Midoriya, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima

Green; Willows, Kaminari, Sero, Hagakure

Purple; Ojiro, Aoyama, Sato, Iida

Split up into your groups and go find your own flags, when you hear 'go' you may begin"

I walked over to Deku, Big Broccoli and Shitty Hair a bit cocky since it wasn't the Blue Berry F🤗er that was placed in Deku's group.

"Alright you guys stay here, I'll go look for our flag and use my telekinesis to bring you to me" Deku said before running off so damn fast I didn't even see him but the dust he left behind. Just like that night.

Thinking about the night we kissed made me blush "hey Bakubro, you alright?" Shitty Hair asked "you seem a bit red in the face"

"Tch, I'm fine" I said rolling my eyes while screaming internally. Suddenly we were all lifted into the air drawing everyone's attention. We were then tugged in a random direction giving us a good view of where everyone's flags were

We were lowered in front of Deku who for some reason took off his shirt and had his eyes closed. With his shirt off I had a better view of his body; his shoulders were broader, large chest, chisled abs. Through his pants I could see that his thiccc (yes thic with 3 'C's) thighs, but I couldn't see what I want to, nevertheless, he has a lot more muscle than before but he wasn't too muscular.

"Okay so I've scanned the whole place I know who's who, where they're going and what they're doing" Deku said running a hand through his bottle green curls. The same curls I want to tug on while he f🤗s me sensele- No time for that! "So I'll tell each of you where to go and when to do so, understand"

"Yeah whatever/yes sir!" We replied waiting for Old Eye Bags to say 'Go'


"Izangi! Go east now!" Deku yelled making Big Broccoli run off in his designated direction "Eijiro! South!"

"On it!" Shitty Hair said running off

"Katsuki I'm counting on you" he said looking at me with determination "west, five minutes then north, I'll make sure no one takes our flag"

"Mhm" I hummed at my task


I ran off going west first deciding against using my quirk yet. Soon I saw the Blue flag unprotected, I quickened my pace keeping my ears open for anything out of the ordinary.

I grabbed the flag and jumped on a building using my quirk. I waited five minutes exactly before running on the buildings making sure to go north as I was told.

About three buildings in front of me I saw the purple flag, but it was being protected by French-Asshole. I jumped in front of him activating my quirk threateningly

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