Chapter 19

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No one's pov
"You got this babe,just try to contain your Lawrence anger."Aisha said to Jude.Her and the gang were going to the hearing to try to get the All Valley Tournament back,"don't worry babe,I'm also a LaRusso.I think I'll be able to handle my anger."Jude reassured her.they kissed,"Get a room you two!"Carlos joked.Jude glares at him,"babe we just talked about this."Aisha scolded her."you're right,you're right."Jude said,calming down."come on kids it's starting."Jude's mom Della said,the group followed Della and Johnny inside.they saw Daniel,Amanda,Miguel,and Sam.they even saw Kreese,which made Jude immediately get in front of Aisha.Aisha held Jude's hand as a way to calm her down,they all sat down near Miguel.

"Think they'll listen?"Miguel asked Jude,she looked at him."they have to,it's not just important to us man:it's important for everyone else."she replied to him honestly," really are half LaRusso."Miguel said.Jude smiled confidently,Miguel was basically feeding her ego.Amanda,Johnny,Della,Daniel,and Kreese all began to argue."god make them stop!"Aisha said,annoyed.Miguel stood up,"I got this."he reassured the group.we walked towards the podium and began to say a speech,Sam and the gang joined him."to be quite honest with you all,I don't see why everyone in town is obsessed with karate."that made the gang chuckle,"alright...the National All Valley Karate Tournament is back on!"the gang and some adults cheered.

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