"Yes, wonderful" I snapped, glaring at him. I caught myself before I continued, regretting my actions immediately.

"I'm sorry, just email me the notes" I sighed, running my hand through my hair as he stared at the ground.

I didn't wait for his response and headed back into my office, quickly booking a sparring session with my trainer before trying to focus on work.


I swiped my thumb on my bottom lip angrily as I felt it split, staring hard at my trainer.

"Hey don't look at me, you weren't concentrating on protecting yourself" Doo Won shrugged, raising his palms up to me.

I charged at him in that moment, the two of us wrestling on the ground until I tapped out and we started another round. I never expected to win anyway.

"You're distracted today" he commented as we sat next to the mats to catch our breaths.


"Shit day Mr CEO?" he laughed, waggling his eyebrows. I nudged him with my elbow, smiling despite how I felt.

"A bad morning" I mumbled, shaking my head as I stood, my mind drifting to this morning again.

"Last round?" he asked, standing as I did in an attempt  to distract me.

"Well... I got work tomorrow so I'm heading off"

"Come on, I'll go easy on you this time" he taunted, knowing he got me.

"Last one. Don't break my legs or you're walking home" I smirked, the two of us starting once we stepped onto the mat.


I set my things on the floor to open my door, my heart sinking as I stared at Jinyoung's door. At least the journey back was short with Doo Won filling the silence.

I shook my head to snap out of it and lugged my things in, stripping and dumping all my clothes into the washing machine and heading to the shower.

I stood under the warm jet and took note of my bruises, realising that I had more than usual and that I was really careless. It didn't matter as they were covered by my clothes, the only main one being my lip. The warm water made my lip sting, which I sadly preferred to this morning's non-stop tingling.

I cleaned the fog from the mirror as I stepped out, staring at my reflection with a sigh, the exercise making my head clearer. Was I expecting too much? I've yet to tell him anything. What did I just do? Why am I so petty? Fuck.


I tossed and turned that night despite being tired, my mind drifting to Jinyoung constantly. I gave up sleeping at 4am and started to pack for my trip, jotting down additional things I needed for my trip as well.

I grabbed a face mask as I headed down to the convenience store to purchase some items, not wanting to alarm anyone with my swollen lip.

I spotted some hamburger flavoured chips and grabbed a bag, deciding on giving it to Jinyoung as some sort of peace offering.

I continued packing and lazing when I got home, rushing as the time came nearer for me to head to the airport.

I took a paper bag and stuck a note inside along with the chips, leaving it at Jinyoung's door as I passed. I hope he forgives me...


My day to day meetings passed quickly, my mood better as I achieved what I came over for. My brain did not really register that I was back home until I reached my parent's door step.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now