"We all know he's not going to listen to you. You agreed to this Harry." Liam says, shaking his head and forming his lips into a line.

"But I can't do that!" I say, abruptly standing up and walking past the coffee table, beginning to pace as I cross my arms over my chest, becoming anxious.

"This is why we told you to not get attached dickwat!" Niall says, looking at me with a know-it-all face that just made me want to punch him in the nose or something.

"Fucking hell, I know!" I grit through my teeth, becoming frustrated and angry with this situation.

I totally forgot about the agreement with Frank. I made it ages ago right before I met Olivia at her last show of her tour. I didn't think much of it at the time considering I had no intentions to get close to Olivia, just write the songs and that was it. I wasn't expecting to get close to her, and... like her... or whatever.

"Just tell Olivia what's going on, she'll understand." Liam says, not even bothering looking away from his phone, which was for some reason really fucking bothering me.

I grunt before walking over to Liam and grabbing the phone out of his hands, throwing it onto the couch so it landed in between the two cushions.

"What the fuck mate?" Liam says, looking up at me with empty hands and a confused face.

"Stop staring at your phone and listen to me!" I say, frustrated with everything going on. "Listen, if Frank won't change his mind about this then I can't just keep going on with Olivia. You do realize I signed right? So if Olivia and I got caught by the paps after Frank makes a final decision then we're going to be in deep shit." I say, trying to explain to him why I was so stressed about this since he can't seem to understand with his pea sized brain.

They all go silent, just looking at me with wide eyes and nervous looks. How were they not stressed about this? And why didn't they warn me? I mean, technically it's not their responsibility, but they're my mates. Fuck-- I shouldn't have gotten this attached. Now this whole deal with Frank is going to fuck everything up, and Olivia won't even know why.

"I have to go talk to Frank about it." I decide, standing up and grabbing my phone from the coffee table, sticking it in my back pocket before grabbing my keys.

"He's not going to listen!" Niall shouts as I quickly open the door and walking out, leaving them in there.

I think to myself as I walk out towards my car, surely he'll understand. It can't be that important right? I get wanting me to come across as the crazy womanizer dater back in the band days, but surely he won't make me carry that persona now, especially since Olivia is in the picture.

But what if he doesn't? What if he makes me do what I agreed to doing? Fuck, why did I agree to that? It was months ago, before I even knew Olivia. I agreed to this shit all during the band days, just doing whatever the fuck people wanted me to do because I never thought any thing of it. But now-- now things are different.

I quickly climb into my car, sticking the key into the ignition and starting it, wasting no time stepping on the gas and driving straight towards my condo. Hopefully I'll make it there before Olivia does, or else all shit is going to break loose. I dig my hands in my back pocket to find my phone, eventually grabbing it and unlocking it. I move my eyes back and forth between the screen and the road, attempting to open the contacts app, finding Franks number and clicking on it.

"Hello?" Franks deep American accent comes through the phone, and I sigh in relief that he answered.

"Frank, can you meet me at my condo in 10 minutes? I need to talk to you about something?" I say, trying my best not to sound worried or upset, otherwise he'll know something is wrong.

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