ten || practice runs and pay raises

Start from the beginning

    Harry had finally given me my pants but had refused to give me back my sweater. He said, and I quote: 

    "Maybe if you have a better attitude, I'll think about giving it back."

   I had been so ready to get away from him, that I didn't really give a fuck if I never saw the damn sweater again.

    "Finley, details," Lars begged, Willa, scooped up in his arms, struggling to stay awake, as he walked to the back door with me.

     I twisted the key in the lock and pushed the door open, allowing Lars to step inside first so that he could get Willa out of his arms and onto the couch.

   "I am going to say this one time, and one time only. So both of you little fucks better listen up," I sighed, slumping down next to them on the couch.

    Willa's eyes peeked open at my words, a small smirk forming on her lips, and Lars leaned forward excitedly.

      Once I was sure that I had their attention and that I wasn't going to have to repeat any detail of the night I was already trying so hard to forget, I began to speak. 

   "I did not see his dick, but I can tell you...homeboy knows what he's doing," I began, and Willa was already clapping her hands together eagerly for me to continue.

    "We made out, and he fingered me, that's it," I quickly spat out, standing up to walk away, but Lars shook his head and grabbed my wrist, tugging me back down onto the couch with them. 

  "Details, Finn! I said the details! Not a synopsis!" Lars complained, "Is he kinky? I bet he's kinky. We all know you're a little freak deep down too," he teased, poking my shoulder lightly.   

    I rolled my eyes and slumped back against the couch. "Yes, he is kinky...guys, come on...you know I get bashful talking about this shit," I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

    I could be a total freak in the bedroom, but once I was out of the bedroom, talking about it made me blush like a twelve-year-old boy seeing his first set of boobs. 

     "Finley James, it is literally us. I've told you about all my sexual encounters in great detail, just spit it out," Willa whined. 

    "Fine. Okay, so, he wears rings, right?" I began and they both nodded.

  "Well, um...before he, you know, fingered me, he put his fingers in my mouth for me to take off the rings on the fingers he used," I finally managed to get out, my cheeks feeling burning hot partially from embarrassment, and partially from being aroused just thinking about it.

   "Oh my gosh, that's so fucking hot, Finn! You have to fuck him," Lars stated as if it were a matter of life and death.

    My eyes bulged at his words.

 "What the fuck? No way. Not happening. I can't fucking stand the guy, not to mention he's kind of fucking terrifying. It was a one-time thing," I replied, laughing at Lars' ridiculous statement. 

  "He's intimidating, yes. But that makes him even sexier, and you know it," Lars insisted, wagging a finger at me, Willa nodding in agreement.

    "Guys, I gave you details, now...can we just drop it?" I begged, and begrudgingly, they both sighed and nodded at me in reply.

       My phone buzzed in my purse and I quickly opened it up to take it out, reading the name lighting up the screen.

   I slid my phone open to check the contents of the text.

Alex J: Hey! Just checking to make sure you all got home safe! Since you are officially part of the team now, I was wondering if you wanted to come to our practice today, it's at an abandoned road course about forty-five minutes away. We can discuss your official pay as well! If you're too tired to come, that's all good, just let me know.

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