'But do police have ghosts?'

'You have some superpowers?'

She wanted to smack his head. 'Idiot. I will just ask around!'

Yet he still was confused. 'Right...'

'Other ghosts! They're all around! They must've seen something!'

'Ooooh!' He finally got the idea.

'So you stay here and I will go out.'

'I want to do something!'

'I'll be back if I will get some information. Just stay here. I don't want to also look for you.'

And Aeri walked out in the same way as she entered the room. Young Saeng stayed there and tried to process what just happened. His conscience spoke up again: it was all your fault. First her death. And now she couldn't go because of you. He heaved a sigh, trying not to break down.


Meanwhile Aeri was running around the town, catching every ghost she had in sight and asking them, whenever they saw the man she was looking for. Going for it so randomly was like wild-goose chase, so after losing two hours, she finally decided to break her fear and go around the place, where all of the tragedy happened.

She was standing beneath the building waiting for any ghost to show up, but no one was around. She sat on the pavement beside a tree and looked on her feet. She started to have a weird feeling as someone was watching her. She raised her head and noticed that an old woman in front of her was looking directly at Aeri.

The nurse stood up and done some skipping from left to right, to check if the lady will follow her movement and it turned out she still was closely observed. She decided to approach this woman, but as she was halfway, she felt the arm on her shoulder, as someone stopped her.

She turned around and noticed some young man placing his hand on her. He was around his thirties and wore a police uniform. He shook his head, as he wanted to inform her she shouldn't go there, instead he turned around and waved at her, so she could follow him.

They ended up in alley nearby as this man looked around the corner to look if the old woman is still watching them. Thankfully she took up something else and got back to her own business.

The man spoke up, with his low voice. 'Mrs. Go is nowadays unavailable. I thought all neighbourhood was noticed. Don't come near her.'

'What do you mean? Why she saw me?' This kind of message usually made Aeri more confused than she already was.

'Oh, you're new around here? Let me quickly explain: she was always sensitive to other things, like us, ghosts, so she lived a peaceful life, from time to time feeding us. You know how hard is to eat in this from, right? But recently, because of this one jerk, she stopped doing that and is scared of everything. So we came up with idea that we'll leave her alone, so she can breathe...'

'You're a ghost.' She wanted to say it to herself, but it escaped her thoughts. He might have the information she needed.

On the other hand he was more like affronted. 'Of course, how would I talk with you and see you?'

'Just... Never mind. So no one can show here?'

'Yeah, I'm supervising the region.' He saluted as a good policeman.

'That's why I couldn't find anyone there... But wait, what do you mean by jerk?'

'Well, some man showed up from above, frightening her out of her wits. And dared to tell her nasty words! Poor little lady!'

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