But of course, if anyone was confused it was Bambam's dear Lalisa who he had left at the front door of the dorm. As she pulled the door open to hold forth with Roseanne she saw nothing but Jennie walking out of her room with a cup of tea. It was then when the dots connected and Lisa remembered Jennie had a near exact reaction to the ring as Bambam. Sure it didn't make any sense to Lisa, who couldn't find any connection between the two, but what did she really have to lose.

"Whose ring is this"

Jennie stopped dead in her tracks. Not because she was surprised Lisa would ask her such, after all she wasn't foolish. She realized she did an awful job concealing herself upon seeing the ring that first night. But what was foolish, was the current situation. How could she have let Lisa go see Bambam with that ring on her finger knowing the utter chaos it would bring. I mean letting it happen was almost a hate crime in and of itself.

"It's not my place to tell you" Jennie simply stated while furiously balling her hands for letting it come to this. The plan was for the two first years to know absolutely nothing, but here she was revealing all too much one day at a time. Then again she couldn't really avoid it now that Lisa had got herself caught right in the middle of a cross fire. Worse, Lisa seemed to know nothing about any of it in the first place.

"please" Lisa whispered helplessly and suddenly she seemed to crack Jennie's surface. See being in the dark, is an awful feeling. No matter how many guards you put up, it hurts. Simple as that. But what's even more painful, is being the one who keeps the secrets. And Jennie knew that feeling all too well. "I'll tell you" was all Jennie said before taking a seat on the couch, gesturing for Lisa to do the same. Maybe it was selfish, but Jennie felt as though telling Lisa the truth would make herself feel better too. As a certain someone would say, she was being the little girl she worked so hard to conceal.

Lisa was brimming with anticipation, finally all the enigmatic pieces would come together, or so she thought. Maybe things weren't as simple as Lisa thought. Not as crystal clear and shiny as Lisa thought. Maybe things were tainted with blood and lies.

"What has Bambam told you?" Jennie asked wanting to know just how much explaining she would be doing. fortunately, Jisoo and Rosé went for groceries. It was fortunate because Jennie had no intention of telling Rosé everything too, and well Jisoo, she would cause hell if she knew what Jennie was about to do.

"Nothing he just told me to take it off and stay away from the man who gave it to me" Lisa responded with innocence. "He said man, not them?" Jennie thinks out loud with surprise evident in her voice. How far was Bambam going to go to keep the truth locked. On the other side, upon hearing Jennie say them, Lisa wondered if this was still the same them the man had mentioned that day. She was indeed right. "Has Bambam told you about his . . . friends" Jennie said in an attempt to not be too blunt. She may be used to deception, but was Lisa? "His friends, not really why?" Lisa was starting to feel frustrated with Jennie's cryptic words. Jennie, however, sighed at Lisa's response. She knows nothing.

"Tell me, that man I met he's a dangerous man right? Let me guess, he's a robber! And this ring, did he steal it? That's why I can't wear it or meet him again?" Lisa suddenly ranted hoping to get a nod. "Not quite." was all Jennie could let out before she bit back a giggle. "I'm sorry is something funny?" Lisa glared. Usually a laugh or two would be in her favor but the curious cat was far too frustrated. "Right, I'm about to tell you something pretty important. So before I start promise me you won't tell anyone, not even Roseanne or Jisoo", Lisa nodded and Jennie continued, "And also no questions, i'll tell you what you need to know and nothing else". Lisa could see that Jennie meant it by the way her eyes had suddenly narrowed down like she was looking down at her prey. 

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