Chapter 11: Beginning again

Start from the beginning

Astral looked at Yuma, who was still glaring at him with anger. Astral never thought his departure would have caused something so extreme. The thought alone was enough to cause a pang of sadness inside of him.

"Yuma, I didn't know, I'm sorry...I..." Astral trailed off as he couldn't find the words.

"I don't want an apology," Yuma hissed, "I don't want you here."

"Yuma, with what's coming we need each other," Astral said, "I need you to trust me."

"Well I don't!" Yuma shouted, "I can't trust you. You lied. You left me behind. You broke me. More then anyone ever has. In fact as things are, I would trust Ray before I would trust you again, because at least I can trust him to be unpredictable. It took Shark a year to get me to open up, and then it was two months after that, that everyone found out just how bad things had gotten for me."

"Yuma..." Astral trailed off. He just didn't have the words.

"I don't care where you go," Yuma hissed, "just leave." Astral decided to give Yuma time to calm down, and went into the key, planning to think about ways to fix things between himself and Yuma. The silence that filled the room was deafening. Yuma, feeling he had to do something, walked over to the coffee table and took some tissues out of the box that was placed there and started cleaning up the juice and broken glass.

Shark watched, not completely sure where to begin. He knew Yuma wasn't ok right now, so asking him that was redundant at this point. But he wanted to help, so he walked over and started to help Yuma clean up the mess.

"You don't have to help." Yuma said sounding hoarse from all the shouting.

"I want to." Shark said smiling encouragingly, hoping Yuma could see he wanted help with so much more than the cleaning.

"I know." Yuma smiled thankfully back, "I'm just sorting through it in my head first."

"Understandable." Shark nodded, struck by how the situation had him thinking of Astral like Yuma's ex that was begging for him to come back, "Did he say what he wanted?"

"Yeah, something about stopping the rise of an 8th Barian to prevent the danger your sister and I have been foretelling." Yuma answered. Shark stood up suddenly. Yuma looked up at him puzzled.

"Are you sure he said 'Barian'?" Shark asked, his mind buzzing through possibilities.

"Positive." Yuma said, still confused, "Why?"

"I have to call Rio," Shark said, "I'll tell you if once my hunch is confirmed. You have other things to worry about right now." Yuma nodded, trusting Shark.

Shark walked into the hallway, guilty that he was keeping his thoughts from Yuma, but he had Astral's return to deal with. Plus there was the chance that he was wrong, but he didn't want to leave Yuma alone right now either. He took out his duel gazer, which he only used to appear human, he and the other Barians didn't really need to use them.

"Reginald what have you done?" Rio said cheerfully as her greeting.

"Haha Rio." Shark replied sarcastically, his tone serious, "I need you to do something for me."

"So this is a business call." Rio stated at her brother's tone, "What do you need?"

"I need you to go to Barian world." Shark answered, "I'd go myself, but I don't want to leave Yuma alone right now. He's had a bit of a shock."

"Ok, what's going on?" Rio asked.

"Astral's back and to say Yuma isn't happy about it is an understatement." Shark explained, "But Astral has brought some information to light that might help explain what you and Yuma have been seeing."

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