Chapter 10 - Ships of Sooji & The Other Members According To Their Fans

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So Hot by Wonder Girls

ChanSoo (Chan and Sooji) - The Father/Daughter Ship

This ship is one of the more popular ones, just because their bond just looks so cute. One factor is because of their Oldest-Maknae relationship in the group. Of course, another factor is that they are the birthday twins, having the same birthday (October 3). Chan serves as not only Sooji's father but the group's father too. He is quite overprotective of her and would immediately say no if he thinks what Sooji will do is something to disagree on. If you don't see them in Chan's studio together, they would be in the practice room either eating or practicing.

MinSoo (Minho and Sooji) - The Mother/Daughter Ship

With Minho being the second oldest member in Stray Kids, he's the 2nd one in charge of Sooji when Chan's not there. In this ship, Sooji's the more clingy one rather than Minho. But when Sooji doesn't feel good or happy, Minho would always be there to cheer her up. He's not that overprotective of her like Chan is. When the younger girl would be wearing revealing clothes or really short skirts/shorts, he would always take his jacket off and give it to her to cover her up.

BinSoo (Changbin and Sooji) - The Soft Duo

They were called the soft duo for reasons, of course. The fans called them 'The Soft Duo' because of how they actually act. The two have very intimidating gazes which sometimes throws off the other members. But in reality, they're very sweet to each other and would always like to be affectionate to all of the members.

HyunSoo (Hyunjin and Sooji) - The Romantic/Flirty Couple

Yes, the most popular and most loved ship ever. This has been going on ever since before the survival show. Maybe it was because they're both very comfortable with each other and wouldn't mind being flirty nor touchy. The fans always noticed their gazes that they are giving to each other on the show whether they're practicing or just chilling in the dorm. The boys, of course, noticed it too and even teased that they'll make it official soon.

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