#51 - He can't stop talking about you.

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Couple by couple each one of them left. The last couple to leave was Brad and his girlfriend. He caught you alone and went to talk to you.

"You and James really need to sort something out between you, he never stops talking about you and the girls say you never stop talking about him. It's a match made in heaven. Now go!" He said pushing you back into the room that James was in.

The thing he said about what the girls had said was a total lie. Or was it? Was it just one of those moments where you ramble on and don't realise what you're saying? Had you been talking about James without realising?

Brad and his girlfriend left, leaving just you and James.

"I should really be going." You said to James (it was his house so he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon!)

"Ok." He said simply.

You got to the front door, you could feel James's presence behind you. You went to open the door but instead of grabbing the door handle you spun around to face James.

"Is what they say true?" You asked boldly.

"What do you mean? I don't understand." He replied.

"Brad said you never stop talking about me." You said getting more embarrassed by the second.

"Errrm... No. I'm sure everything he has been saying has been a lie." He said nervously.

"Oh." You said as you turned round, opened the door and walked down the drive.

"Wait!" James shouted when you reached the end of the driveway.

"It's true. I'm just too embarrassed to admit it. I have been talking about you. Nice things. Not horrible things. There's not one horrible word to say about you..." He rambled on but he stopped when you placed your lips on his.



You were out with one of your closest friends having a girly day shopping. You were just about to walk into River Island when you're phone rang.

"You go in, I'll just answer this then I'll come and find you." You said to your friend.

When you looked at your phone it was Connor calling. You answered.

(A|N this is the phone call down below, 'Y' is you and 'C' is Connor and 'J' is James.)

Y: Hello.

C: Do you not see what I see?

Y: See what?

C: She's pretty, she's clever, cute, funny, understanding. I want her to be mine and mine only.

Y: Who?

J: Who?

C: Y|N

Y: What?!?!?

J: You should get with her if you feel like that.

Y: What?!?!?

It became clear that Connor had dialled your number accidentally (butt dialled). There was just one problem, Connor still didn't know he called you and it was twenty minutes after you answered the call and he was still talking about you!

"CONNOR!" You screamed down the phone.

You heard movement down the phone and eventually Connor was on the other end of the phone call.

"You butt dialled me about twenty minutes ago and you still haven't hung up." You said.

"Oh, could you hear what we said?" He said, a slight shakiness to his voice.

"Yeah kinda, I've got to go but we'll speak later." You said because your friend was still in River Island waiting for you.

"Ok bye." He said and you both hung up.

You put your phone away in your bag and just smiled at every nice word that had just been said about you.



You watched the YouTube video over and over again. In complete shock of what was being said. The Vamps Q&A. They were all asked if they had a girlfriend or someone special. Brad, Connor and James all spent about 30 seconds each of the twenty minute video answering the question. Then Tristan took over for the next 18 and a half minutes, describing someone's looks and personality that was the exact replica of yours. Tristan spent 18 and a half minutes talking about you - someone special in his life. You never knew but after watching this multiple times it was clear that you and Tristan needed to talk.


Reward for @RachelFry5

Katie xxx

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