Attack of the Killer Garage Sale

Start from the beginning

The next day; Aero, Tucker, Danny, and Sam are walking towards the school.

"Seriously, Danny. Ever since you got that invitation, you're all about the 'In' crowd."

"Come on, Tuck. *chuckles* That's ridiculous."

They stop as Danny pumps his fist in air and points.

"Kwan! Looking good!"

Kwan is talking to Valerie. He turns and points to Danny.

"Fentonmeister! *Raises arms* Woo hoo!"

"He's right, Danny. It's like-"

"Hey, Fenton! Come here!" Dash yells from afar.

Danny races over to Dash.

"-we're not even here." Aero finishes for Sam.

Danny walks up to Dash.

"If you're coming to my party, you have to look the part."

He hands Danny a magazine. It has high-end clothes on the cover.

"This is what we're all wearing Saturday. Very high-end, very hip, very Dash. You do have one, right?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah! Oh, sure. I-I have two. That's how hip and high-end I am."

"Well, wear one. I might have had to invite you, but if you embarrass me, your sister's going to be doing her thesis on your bruises!"

Dash walks off with his friends. Sam, Aero, and Tucker walk up to Danny.

"Oh, man. This must cost a fortune! Where am I going to get the money by Saturday?"

"You know, I almost hate to offer-"

Sam's offer gets cut off by Paulina.

"Hey, Danny!"

Paulina waves a music album around while sitting on a blanket with a stereo.

"You wanna hear my new CD? It's really crunk!"

"Is crunk good?" Danny questions to Tucker.

"It's Paulina."

"Crunk's good! Be right there!"

Danny goes over and sits next to Paulina.

"Okay, this is getting really annoying." Aero points out.

On Saturday, Danny got the three to help him with a garage sale so he could make the money for the clothes. Aero & Sam walk up and hand Danny some money.

"Just sold a toaster."

"Sold an old TV. I'm surprised your dad's letting you sell off all his stuff." Aero remarks.

Sam holds up a remote. "Yeah, he's such a pack rat."

"Yeah, well, he's been planning on getting rid of this junk for a long time. He won't even miss it, I hope." Danny explains.

Tucker opens up a sun reflector to tan with.

"I'm pleased with the turnout today. We're doing a really brisk business."

Danny counts a stack of money.

"I'm still twenty bucks short of what I need for those sweats."

He puts the money in his pocket.

"You're still welcome to hang with us tonight. Mega-movie marathon at my place."

Tucker walks next to Aero.

"Yeah. I suggested the movie today." Aero smiles.

Danny blinks at Sam.

"Your place? Wow. You never invited us to your place before."

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