Untitled Part

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"I will do my best to make your wedding the one of your dreams" I said ushering the couple out of my office

"Thank you Eleanor" Bridget said

"You are welcome" I said

"Bye" she said walking away with her partner

I silently walked into my office shutting the along side, I just had four more hours until Tiffany came , Tiffany is my life I mean I don't know what I would do without her I thought swirling my chair and grabbing one of photo together, she looked so cute in the picture with her chubby hands she was just four years old but acted like a twelve year old she was so matured

I quickly dropped it started working, because I had to find the right caterers as they were really specific about the catering rate, so that was I just had to do and to be fair that was one hell of a work to do, I mean having to check for the right catering service


"Muwwy!!!" Tiffany cried running into my office

"Hey look at my baby girl , how was your day?" I settled her down on my lap

"Fine muwwy, I saw this man and he gave me a lollipop" she said in giggles

"Tany I have told you not to collect things from strangers" my mother instinct kicking in

"Muwwy I'm sorry, but the man just looked like batwan" she whined

"Okay this is the last time I would be telling you not to collect things from people, even though they look like batman or superman" I said pinching her chubby cheeks

I know a girl forever obsessed with batman and their likes, it all started with my same obsessed bestfriend who introduced her to marvel series at the age of two so just had to keep up with it, according to her Barbie, Rapunzel and their likes are for girls, can't she be any more funny I thought with a sigh

"Muwwy lets go get ice cream, I know you are angry with me but please don't deprive me of my right" she looked at me

I just sat there laughing

"Okay" I said controlling myself although still giggling

I quickly cleared my desk and taking some of the catering references meaning to work at home

"Muwwy lets go" she tugged my skirt

"Jeez would you chill" I picked her walking to my door and locking it

"Yay ice cream" she shouted

As we walked, well if that entails me carrying her along side my bag and hers, then we walked, I walked towards my secretary's office telling her that I am checking out

"Okay madam we are off to the ice cream store" I put her in her sit and tucking her properly


"Yes darling" I walked towards the drivers sit

"How was wour day?" she asked concerned

That was the thing about Tany she was very thoughtful, it was like God compensated with her because I don't know what I would have done if it was the complete opposite don't get me wrong I would love her if that was the case but God gauge my ability and gave her to me which I am grateful for

"It was fine"

"So what are wou working on"

"Well, hmm presently I am looking for a good catering service for Bridget's wedding" I stated looking a her from the rear mirror

"Okay, but have wou asked what her pwefwences are?" she asked looking at me with her big eyes

"No" I stated

"But I will surely do that, you just made my work lighter" I added

"Hey we are there already" I said looking at her

"Yay ice cweam" she said getting out of the car

"Hey wait for me"

"Okay" looking at the shop in awe she stopped

"Let's go" I grabbed her hand

"Oh there is a queue" she said disappointed

"Don't worry I'll wait" Trying to cheer her up I stated

"Okay" she said brightening up

After forever it was our turn

"Hey, my Muwwy and I were going to get ours" Tiffany cried practically pulling the man's hair, poor man but he deserved it

"Tany stop stop" I cooed her

"Okay, but you go to the back" she pointed to the man and telling him to face her which he did making me freeze in my spot

This can't be happening I thought, after how many years, here he is what the fudge

"What the fuck" he cried looking at Tiffany who was throwing glares at him

"There is a kid here" I said slapping his arm and I can say for a fact that I came back to earth after he said that

"Eleanor, what are you doing here?" he asked

"Just came to get ice cream" I replied

"Muwwy this the batwan I wold wou abwout" finally bringing me to earth

"Ohh" I couldn't think of anything else but that

"Well" I mustered to say

"We have to go, because it's late" I collected our ice cream tub and paying

"But I want to pway with batwan" she whined

"No Tany we have to go" I tried to coax her

"No now Muwwy" which obviously didn't work

"I promise next time" I tried again

"Okay" she said although I knew she was sad

"Bye" I gave him a tight smile

He being himself just waved, having a smirk on his face which really wanted to wipe off

I couldn't be more scared than I have ever been before, not even when my own parents found out I was pregnant, not that I wanted to stay there but God I was pregnant with no where to go in a snowy day the only thing I had with me were my small belongings and my C.Vs and essentials

Come to think of it I don't want to think of it

So this my first book on Wattpad so please bear with me if it is cringy you know what I mean so pls vote and comment



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