Shen Wei felt some strange misgivings in his heart, some vague, troubled anticipations, that oppressed his feelings. He had little time for thought before he could burst out his objection in fear of Yunlan taking over the CEO position. He loudly said,

"I object, in this way you only encroach on the effort and sweat of the people who spent most of their time working hard for the prosperity of our company only to appoint a person without any experience or knowledge to be the director and the executor. This is against the rules and policies of the company"A single glance at Yunlan was sufficed to tell him the whole sad truth of the situation. There was no room for mistake.

"Okay, I agree with Mr. Shen Wei. If I can have any other position while being here. I want to investigate each department aside. I want to see how honest my future employees are in doing their best in their jobs. And as a start, I will investigate your department Mr. Shen Wei because to me you seem a very trusted and honest person. Aren't you?" Upon hearing Yunlan's words, Shen Wei's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.   

In the far end of the meeting room, sitting at the head of the conference table, was his grandfather nodding his head, silently. Everyone in the room were silent and tense, and all their attention was on him. It didn't take long for Shen Wei to realize that Yunlan had already made his plan with his old man. He looked him up  and stared directly at his cunning expression.

"At this rate, we don't have anything to add. Shall we call it a day?" Lan Yi was somehow satisfied. This will allow her to win some time to clean up the mess in her department.

"Do you have anything to add Mr. Shen Wei, before I could ask you to make some room for me in your big office?" Zhao Yunlan said while feeling so amused. The first thing he noticed was how Shen Wei's eyes dimmed. For him, things were only starting to get interesting fast.

"Old man! If you want to investigate my brother only and let the rest be free. I too have to investigate others, I don't think we can be the only one being mistreated and keep silent. Mr. Xin Ci! Don't you agree with me, you are a lawyer!" Upon hearing Yezun's voice who was putting pressure on the man indirectly, Xin Ci was forced back to his senses and to take Shen Wei's side to shut his brother.

"Yes! I do agree. And for that I will be helping Zhao Yunlan to set his office instead in the CEO floor. Mr. Yunlan, before you can investigate any department you need at least to bring a valid motif or evidence of corruption. I am the attorney of this company and I can only follow the rules." Surprising himself and everyone else. Now, all of the eyes were on Xin Ci who just protected the twin brothers even Lan Yi couldn't believe quick reaction. 

"Repeat what you just said?" Zhao Yunlan started to sense something like a conspiracy. He could no longer trust Xin Ci who seemed manipulated by Yezun. His detective instinct couldn't mistake such an assumption. Xin Ci instead looked very confident and steady, yet.embarrassment began to swallow him up, he just started getting nervous but that wasn't shown on his face.

"Yunlan my son, no-one can ever go against what Xin Ci says. Let's work in my floor together, very close to me. So I can teach you and show you how and when to take over this big place" Said old Shen, with as much of seriousness in his voice as he could command. His words could still send a serious threat to his enemies including Shen Wei, Yezun and Lan Yi.

"Okay" Yunlan replied following the plan. There was no further hope for him to be close to Shen Wei at work. But he will sure find a way to come visit him.

"Let me wish you all a wonderful day, we will meet tonight at the company dinner for New Year. I wish you can all be present" A slight tremor of the lips accompanied his words, and it was plain that what Xin Ci said caused a wave of emotion to sweep over his heart. He trusted him more than himself when he couldn't find a reason for his atorney to take Shen Wei and Yezun's side.

The War of Love and MoneyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz