𝟏𝟕, 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

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third person.

both groups, the boys and the girls, except corbyn and trinity were decorated corbyns house.

it as bessons birthday and he was turning seventeen. he was out with trinity and his sister ashley going shopping.

"daniel did you get the cake?" jack asked. daniels eyes widen.

he was supposed to pick up the cake with christian before he arrived at the besson house.

"daniel!" grace exclaimed.

"i forgot!" he said. "i'll go get it." ray, corbyns father, spoke.

"thank you." jonah told the man. he nodded and left. "jesus daniel you had one job." jonah rolled his eyes.

daniel shrugged, "at least i'm helping with this." he mumbled right before the ballon he was holding pop. "whoopsies." he chuckled nervously.

"and you're done." estrella chuckled. daniel pressed his lips together and threw out the broken ballon.

"here," estrella handed him table cloths, "put this on the table with zach."

"aw, why me." zach complained as he walked away from diana.

"cause you aren't doing anything." diana rolled her eyes and continued to put up the happy birthday banner with estrella.

"ahh!" estrellas eyes widen as she received a message from trinity.

"what?" daniel asked. "they're going to be here in twenty minutes!" estrella quickly taped up the banner and jumped off the chair.

"okay uh daniel, zach forget the table. estrella do it. jonah message ray. zach help diana with balloons. daniel help estrella with the confetti after she finishes. lillian put these on the table. and jack clean up what's on the floor and i'll help." grace said.

everyone nodded and got to work. they only had twenty minutes.

"jack put the boxes in the closet!" estrella told the boy and he just placed it on the table. he huffed and moved the box.

"everyone get a confetti thing!" daniel threw a few on the table.

"theyre almost here!" jonah yelled in a whisper.

lillian quickly placed the decorations on the table, grabbing a few confetti pops and them to grace and jack since they didn't get one.

"when they come in, on one we do it." jonah spoke quietly receiving a nodded from the group.

ray came home with the cake and hid with the others.

"turn off the lights." lillian said. jack quickly and quietly ran to the light switch and turned it off.

the group eventually heard some footsteps coming near the front door. corbyn twisted the door nob and entered the house.

"we're home!" he yelled, seeing no one in the room. well it look like no one was home since it was dark.

jonah put up his three fingers, three, two...

corbyn turned on the lights and everyone screamed 'happy birthday'. one, they all popped the confetti and it went all over corbyn, trinity and ashley.

he giggled as trinity covered her ears, not liking the loud sound from the pop.

he smiled, "what! thank you guys!" he hugged the group starting with trinity. "did you plan this?" he asked her.

"kinda. that's why we went shopping." trinity told him, leaving a kiss on his lips.

"thank you. thank you guys." corbyn hugged everyone. "you're very welcome." grace responded.

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