The Eleventh Labor: The Apples of the Hesperides Part II

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So hero searches far and wide
To find where Elder Nereus's lied.
For many moons he tracks the god
Across the realm where mortals trod.

Then finds him laying under tree
With hand on cane and feet in stream.
His eye are shut in deepest sleep
With soul that's down in Somnus keep.

With magic ropes he elder binds
So man won't wake and flee as hind
Or other creatures forms he'll take
To seek escaping helpful fate.

So hero ties the man in sleep
That woken god the hero keeps.
Obtaining answers just from man
The demi-gods own cunning plan.

And after ropes were bound so fast
That every form of god they clasp.
He raises hand to mouth and shouts
To wake the god from sleeping bout.

Then Nereus saw the binds he wore
At rope the elder god now tore.
And shouts aloud his magic chants
In hopes that better form they'll grant.

To help the god escape his foe
And quick to safer haven go.
But every time his form is changed
The ropes that god has deemed as strange

Will tighten hard to hold his frame
A cunning spell of ancient fame.
"Whose cast this spell on river god
The oldest man where mortals trod?

What boon does captor seek from man
So great he make these magic bands?"
And hero steps in front of god
In lion pelt with magic rod.

So god does know who seeks his help
Amongst the men who world now dwelt
Is Zeuses son the hero great
With labors twelve as godlings fate.

"What boon would son of Zeus now seek
From elder god so old and meek.
That hero makes these binds to hold
Perhaps he seeks the apples gold?"

And hero starts at gods own words
That deep in heart a dread had spurred.
How had the elder known his wants
He only told to nymphs that haunt

The rivers deep and pure and swift
Had nereids given trap as gift?
"Don't fear for fate oh Zeuses son
I know the ways the rivers run.

My Nereid daughters also know
I only help a hero bold.
To bind me fast the only way
I'll aid a hero saving day.

My custom ask I only help
When fast as hostage god is held.
So ask your boon you demi-god
On correct path I'll make you trod."

So godling feels his heart now ease
At words of god the hero's pleased.
"So tell me Nereus where to find
And gain the golden fruit sublime"

And Nereus spoke his words were coy
As elder god now told his ploy.
"In land now far a Titan lays
To hold the sky for crimes he's made.

His name is Atlas king of stars
Who holds the sky in godlike arms
He'll find the fruit in hero's stead
If godling holds the sky instead.

The Titans reprieve grants your aid
With holding sky for boon you'll pay."

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