Chapter I

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I woke up instantly. It's that dream again. These days I've been having this sort of dream, if not at least something related to it. It's been a year already since I left and I am fourteen now. This problem of mine has distracted my focus most of the time and I am sure that Kujo-san are starting to noticing it too.

I sighed and looked at the time.....

"Shit! It's already 6.30!"

I know. I know. I am a morning person and I loved the view of sunrise and besides there's not much people anyway.

I changed my clothes and sneak out quietly to start my usual morning jog.

The morning air are crisp with the fresh greens surrounding it. Gosh. I loved it. It calms me down each time I breathed it in. It is proof that I am still alive and nit dead. Just kidding....

The reason I wanted to be an idol was because I thought that my singing and dancing would make everyone smile just like it did with Riku.


I missed him so much. I wonder how's he's doing? Is he having fun at school? Does he get along with everyone? He is getting healthier...Right?

I felt a weird feeling rumbling in my stomach. It felt...annoyingly weird. I looked at my watch.

It's just 7. Ah! I need to get back now! I start to sprinting back home.

"Home...Yeah right..."

I opened the door slowly. It creaks. Of course it had to creak. The lights is suddenly turns on.

"Tenn. Why did you go out without my permission again? What if something happens to you?"

"I am sorry, Kujo-san. It will not happen again." I look down.

He stands up from where he's sitting and took my shoulders on both sides.

"You are the star that I've been looking for so long. I don't want anything to dull your shine. Now, go eat your breakfast and go to school."

He lets go and walk out of the house. I sigh and did what I was told. Wonder if today's going to be the same as always.

After school ends, I decided to just walk to my training center. I greets the front desk person and went to the changing room. After changing, I went to my teacher's practice room.

"Good evening, Tenn-kun." He said.

"Good evening, Sensei." I replied with a smile.

I saw at the edge of my eyes and saw....Kujo-san. Kujo-san standing there and observing me. I gulp. I felt that feeling again. I feel my knees buckles a little too.

"Alright, let's start from our choreo from our last class. Shall we?"

I nodded and starts to dance when Sensei puts on the music but of course it was a success as always in performing the perfect choreo from start to end.

"Very good! It seems like you memorized everything. Now, let's move on to your singing."

I nodded but this time I am not feeling that confident because of the eyes that are trailing my back. I shivered a bit.

When the music starts, I sang but...there's nothing. My voice aren't coming out. I tried again but it still results in just the same.

I shook my head toward Kujo-san. He only stares back at me.

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