Chapter 80: Unexpected Discovery

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No. To be precise, there was a combination of symbols and pictures before Kieran.

The blood formed two big circles, one inside the other, an inner one and an outer one. In the middle, there was an abstract drawing that looked like a scorpion.

Kieran was not completely sure that it was a scorpion. As a matter of fact, he could not even tell if it was a real symbol or picture that was formed by the blood stain.

As for the words?

Kieran had never seen any words like these before. At least not that he knew of.

"What are these?"

Kieran looked at the gap between the two big circles. There were even more symbols there.

The line started with a pentagram and ended with an upside down pentagram. By Kieran's calculations, there were about 41 of them.

It wasn't that Kieran couldn't be bothered to count them precisely. It was just that the symbols were too alien and complicated, and he could not tell whether they were mixed together forming one meaning, or if they were combinations of two forming separate meanings.

Kieran squatted down on the floor and looked at the symbols over and over again.

He was trying to find a pattern within them.

Ten minutes later, he was still baffled by the unorganized, alien symbols. He could not help but frown. He had nothing.

Dealing with something that one was completely unfamiliar with and trying to draw a conclusion was extremely hard. It was definitely not something one could achieve in ten minutes. It was too complicated.

Kieran sighed and stood up, turning around and looking at his surroundings, hoping for more clues. There was nothing.

"Any discoveries, Mr. 2567?" Jack asked as soon as Kieran stood up.

He had stayed beside him all along, holding the flashlight as he covered his nose.

"A few. How did Gilfren Hatch die?" Kieran did not go into detail about his findings. Instead, he asked about the circumstances of the previous tenant's death.

"Gilfren Hatch was a psychopath. Can you believe he bit his own wrist and bled to death? I have worked here for almost 10 years, and I've seen a lot of crazy and vicious men, but he was the only one that went that far!"

As Jack talked about Gilfren Hatch, his face looked full of fear. He seemed terrified by the scene he had witnessed.

"Is there anything else you know about him? What did he have on him when he was arrested?" Kieran continued.

"I do not know anything else about this man, other than the fact that he was a complete psychopath that made over a hundred people commit suicide. If I could, I'd rather not know that either. It was too creepy. Hatch was not arrested, anyway. He turned himself in!" Jack said with a shiver.

Kieran was shocked by Jack's words.

"That's right, he was like a rat. He could move through the darkness easily. The police could not get their hands on him. If he hadn't surrendered, I think he might still be roaming the streets freely. The official announcement stated that he was arrested, but it was not the truth!" Jack said with a shrug. It was not something anyone would brag about.

"Did he have anything with him when he turned himself in? Any books or notes?"

Kiera had still did not given up on the idea. The symbols and pictures had picked his interest and he wanted to find out what they meant.

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