Chapter 20: Snipe

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Kieran laughed as he heard the silence on the other side of the phone line.

He truly felt the urge to laugh. He was not just pretending in order to irritate the man.

For once, he was the one in control of the game.

An outrageous number of fully-armed men was nothing compared to the greed of one man.

Yes, Major Zarukhar was extremely greedy.

That was his weakness.

Kieran could take advantage of it, he was confident that he could.

He waited for the man to reply.

"What do you want?" Zarukhar asked after a short while. Even from the other side of the phone, Kieran could sense the man's anger.

He didn't care though.

To him, Zarukhar was only a Boss he needed to kill to advance farther in the game. Nothing more, nothing less.

"What do I want? That's a very good question, Mr. Major. What could I possibly want in this goddamn city? Well, to leave, for a start. I want to leave this godforsaken city!"

Kieran followed his plan, which was to pretend he was a war survivor wishing to escape from the area.

"Give me back my jewelry, and I'll get you out of here," Zarukhar quickly granted Kieran's request.

"It's done, I'll wait for you by the Vulture's old base at nightfall!" Kieran answered without a second thought.

The major hang up the phone.

Kieran looked at the screen before he quickly removed the battery. Then he shrank to the side of a piece of wall and closed his eyes.

He knew he had a tough fight ahead of him, so he needed to rest as much as he could.

As for the deal with Zarukhar?

Of course it was all a lie.

Judging by the strong intimidating vibe that he got from the man, it was safe to say that he was not an easy-going person.

He would not comply that easily after what Kieran had done to him.

He would definitely want revenge.

But because he wanted the jewelry, he would not send his full force. He would just sent out an elite squad.

The squad would certainly include Zarukhar's right-hand man, which meant they would be a powerful enemy. Kieran was not about to step back though.

Facing an entire army, even with his current skills, would have been tough, but he figured he could take down a small squad.

His plan needed to be executed perfectly in order for him to progress farther in the game.

"He could find me within a minute!" he thought to himself while he rested his eyes.

When he had found the phone in the Vulture's room, he had noticed that it looked different than any regular phones.

It looked a lot more rigid and hard. Plus, no communication device was safe in this war-ridden city.

Given the circumstances and the fact that the phone still worked, it had to be a gift from Zarukhar to the Vulture so the man could contact him. By the looks of it, the phone had to have some kind of tracing device on it so Zarukhar could keep an eye on the Vulture.

That was why Kieran kept removing the battery every time he ended a call.

He did not want to drag Colleen into this, but he also needed a safe place where he could head to in an emergency. It was only his second day in the game after all.

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