"Wild guess"
He smiled trailing his hand up from my hip to my shoulder

"We fucked"
I asked knowing what happened yet still curious

"On acid n' pot"
He smiled letting his hand fall to my chest

I closed my eyes and put my leg in between his

"Your pretty"
He chirped but still with a groggy voice

I opened my eyes and leaned into his lips

A small moan came out of him as he pushed his crotch against my leg

I giggled to myself as I saw him crumble like a piece of paper

His eyes shut quickly as he kept pushing himself against me

More moans escaped his lips as I began to move my leg to give him more friction

God this was so fucking hot

I had a wide grin on my face as I watched him fuck himself on my leg

"Open your eyes"
I whispered getting ontop of him allowing more access

He opened his eyes and pulled my face to his

I pulled my leg back and smiled down at him

"What the fuck was that for"
He asked

I chuckled a little and gave him a kiss on the cheek

I positioned myself
and then sunk down onto him

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth

I let out a quiet moan as I began to rock my hips on him

He began to moan really loud aswell as I did

I grabbed his hand and put it on my hip as I rocked harder

I looked into his eyes and lowered myself even more then kissed his jawline

He groaned with his mouth forming a perfect 'O' and his eyes shutting

. . .

After we both finished we laid there holding hands

"That was nice"
He smiled rolling over onto his side

"This is embarrassing but I forgot your name"
He lightly chuckled

"Oh thank god because so did I,
And it's y/n"

"Cute name and its Kurt"
He laughed a little

"That was the best sex I've ever had"
I smiled

"Trust me same"
He winked at me

I did the same and rolled onto my side

I softly pulled his face to mine

Out lips met in a steamy make-out

"Fuck Kurt"
I moaned

He pulled back and looked into my eyes

"Let's go back to sleep"
He softly said pulling me close to his chest stroking my hair carefully and softly

"Okay baby"
I whispered

"Thankyou for last night by the way"

I asked confused

"You suck dick gooood"
He laughed lightly

"Fucking hell I do!"
I laughed

"And I'm down to do it again"
I whispered

He whispered back

"How about we-"

"Kurt save it,
I whispered cutting him off

He smiled closing his eyes

I closed my eyes aswell and held onto him and fell deep asleep right in his arms

You guys want more smut?

Because I'll write it

Just tell me the story line and I'm down to do whatever :)

Hope you enjoyed

Also like I was dying writing this in the good way and the bad way I feel bad but like it also made me giggle Cus like- imagine that happening irl-

Kurt Cobain                                   And I Love HerWhere stories live. Discover now