Chapter 12: Embrace Death

Start from the beginning

"Kill him" All for One commanded. A soldier threw a spear at me. It hit me in the chest, but it didn't pierce my heart. It's as if it stopped right before it.

I looked down at it, grabbing the spear from my chest and I threw it right back. It nailed the soldier in the chest and he dropped dead. I looked down, the injury still hurt like hell. A hit like that would've killed me, yet it didn't.

I felt my heartbeat weaken, and I allowed it to. I dropped to the floor, and the surrounding army watched in freight when my injury vanished and I stood back up. I was breathing heavy, why wasn't I dying?

"What the hell?! Kill him!"

I looked at the charging soldiers. I clenched my fists and my arms became swords. I ran at the army, I was slashing left and right. The hits they were doing did nothing to affect my heart. I kept telling my heart to not stop beating, and it never once faltered.

I got to All for One and I went to slice his head off. He quickly dodged and stood in front of me. His army was no longer attacking, because they were shaking in fear.

"How are you not dying?!" All for One yelled, eyes blazing in rage.

"I'm going to kill you, you're going to beg for mercy" I said, ignoring his question. I ran up to him again. He hit me with one of his quirks, aiming for my heart. It didn't do anything, the hit didn't reach my heart at all.

He panicked and tried to step back. I threw two knives. One stabbed him in the shoulder and the other flew behind him. I teleported to the knife behind him and my arm became a chainsaw.

I stuck the chainsaw in his back, making him yell in pain and scamper away. He was on the floor, looking at me in pure fear. The army looked terrified, not a single soldier tried to help their leader.

I took out one of the flintlock pistols and threw it high in the air. I teleported to it and looked down at the army below. My entire body became a nuclear weapon, bigger than any weapon creator has even attempted to build.

The army yelled in fear, and All for One looked petrified. I let myself fall to the floor, the soldiers trying to run was a futile attempt.

As soon as I made contact with the floor, the powerful explosion crossed the entire city, making it even more destroyed than it already was. The army melted as soon as I made impact. The sand turned into glass. Any water boiled immediately, scorch marks on bodies were painted on the ground.

All for One used all his quirks as an attempt to save himself. His entire body was scorched and he yelled in pain. As soon as the explosion ceased, he ran away from the battlefield. Trembling in fear everytime he pictured the face of the man, who became a 15 year old after death.

I stood up from the floor, once my heart restarted. I took out the entire army, but All for One retreated.

Ever since then, I couldn't die.

When the city was rebuilt and the evacuated city moved back in, they called me a hero. I saved the city, I also met the next holder of One for All. They asked for my guidance, since they didn't have a master. I accepted, it was the least I could do.

I found out the true nature of my quirk. It's all in the heart.

My heart cannot be pieced by anything. As soon as the metal stabbed my heart on my first death, it became indestructible.

My heart doesn't stop beating until I allow it to. I can die for as long as I want, but my conciousness is still there. When my heart is taken, I can simply reconstruct around it. If I die with my heart still in me, all my previous injuries are healed immediately.

No matter how long I looked for, I couldn't find a single thing to kill me. Not a single weapon could puncture my heart, all I was doing at that point was hurting myself.

I wanted to be with Shiyuna and Jupiter so badly. I wanted to be with my sister, mother, and father. But I wasn't allowed to.

Everywhere I went, I was respected. I was the one that brought the entire country together after a war lasting for years.

I stopped being a cold hearted person, since I don't think my family would like that very much. Instead, I cracked stupid jokes here and there. I built my house where my old one was, the city insisted I got the largest house.

And there the years continued. All for One always tried to avoid me, he would always run and hide.

Because nothing was more scary than something you couldn't kill.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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