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Cody, being a wide receiver, jumps up and catches the ball that Lawson threw.

Cody, being a wide receiver, jumps up and catches the ball that Lawson threw

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"Yay!" I clap as Cody scores a touchdown.

Cody has taken up a bit of football with Beckett, by that I mean they just practice in the college's field.

I turn to Cody.

A smile appears on my face to see him finally happy again with his brothers

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A smile appears on my face to see him finally happy again with his brothers.

Lawson and I have been incredibly happy! It's been almost a month with him and it's been the best!

Cody is coming along more though, not AS rude, still rude though.

"Another?" Beckett jogs over.

Lawson runs to me and picks me up bridal style, making me giggle.

"How was I?!" he questions.

"Great!" I kiss his cheek.

Cody yanks his helmet off when he sees us, making me frown.

Cody yanks his helmet off when he sees us, making me frown

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"Is it just me or does Cody seem a bit... upright recently?" Lawson puts me down.

I shake my bead. "He has been more on the edge."

"Well when does he leave?" Lawson holds my hand and leads me to the middle of the field with everyone else.

"Probably next month or so. With his attitude he's been having, maybe longer." I reply. "It all depends."

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