The glass keeping Garmadon in lifted up as he started to chuckle, causing most of us to exchange glances.

What did we just sign up for?


I glared at the demon walking around freely in the bridge. He didn't seem to be doing anything suspicious so far, but I was watching him carefully.

We were currently heading back to Ninjago City to put a stop to the Oni, the people we had rescued we left in Kryptarium Prison as it was one of the safest places to be currently.

I had a bad feeling about Garmadon, so did everyone else, but he was just walking around and not doing anything harmful, yet.

The ninja were talking amongst themselves, shooting glances towards the demon before looking at each other.

I could hear what they were saying, but I tuned it out as I watched Garmadon walk amongst the monitors and panels of buttons. I saw him glance around before he pressed a button, making the sound of the engines stop.

The ninja looked up in confusion before looking at him.

I grabbed the railing behind me.

"Did he just-" Zane started before we started to drop out of the air like a pile of bricks.

I screamed along with the others who were frantically trying to find something to hold onto to keep them from flying off the ship.
"Ahhhh!" I heard Jay cry, who had grabbed onto the same railing as me, but his grip was slipping.

I wrenched myself forwards and grabbed onto him to make sure he wouldn't fly off as Nya screamed about the ignition switch. I looked fearfully at the ground coming closer and closer, is this how we'll go?

I shut my eyes, ready for it.
I'll see you soon, Mistaké.

I felt the floor beneath me level and slowly opened my eyes to see that we weren't dead and back up in the sky.
I was still a little shaky as I slid to the ground, letting go of Jay and taking a few deep breaths.

"That button should be labelled." Garmadon pointed out before walking off.
"It is labelled! It says, don't push while in motion!" Nya yelled to Garmadon as he headed for the lower deck.

"Perhaps it would be wise to accompany your father Lloyd, to prevent further...mishaps." Zane suggested as I stood up along with Jay.

Lloyd groaned and stomped after him. "I can't believe I have to babysit my own father." He muttered angrily.

I leant against the railing before hearing Kai talk to Nya.
"So Jay and I will be cleaning the lower deck" He said.
"Ok then." Nya replied to her brother with a mysterious smile.

"Hey, I'll lend you two a hand." I said, walking over to them.
"Uh, no! I mean, no thanks, we can handle it with our own two hands!, him we'll have four hands!" Jay said quickly.
"Ok, then..." I said, watching them walk downstairs, whispering to each other.


"All hands to the bridge." Zane said into a microphone.
I moved from where I was standing over to one of the computers, Garmadon replacing the spot with a grin.

I watched as Jay, Kai and Cole all walked up to the bridge, sending Garmadon glares as they looked at him.
Garmadon cleared his throat before speaking. "The Oni entered this realm through a portal or rift between our world and theirs. There are only one or two ways this is possible, and I'm willing to wager it would have been through the Realm Crystal." Garmadon explained.

My eyes widened, it was still intact? I thought it was buried long ago with the Spinjitzu master.
"To stop the darkness from spreading the crystal must be destroyed." Garmadon finished.
Zane's fingers flew over the keyboard typing so fast that I couldn't see the buttons he was pressing.
"The Realm Crystal is currently housed in the new high security vault below Borg Tower." Zane read off the screen.
"That's smack in the middle of Ninjago City!" Nya cried.

"Uh, we just escaped from there, remember? It's engulfed in a giant black cloud of destruction and now you're asking us to turn around and go back?!" Kai asked in disbelief.
"I ask nothing, I am telling you that if you wish to stop the darkness, the crystal must be destroyed." Garmadon said slowly.

"And I'm telling you, forget it! Just one of those black cloud tentacle things touched my foot for a second and nearly froze me solid. We wouldn't even last a minute inside the darkness." Cole said.
"You?" I asked, standing up. "You are correct, though mortals such as yourself cannot enter the cloud and leave unscathed, only descendants of Oni blood such as Garmadon and Lloyd can go in there as well as full-blooded Oni like me." I explained.

"Yes, (Y/n)'s right. I am Oni, I can enter the darkness, make my way to the crystal and destroy it. I will of course, require a weapon."

"Ha! Fat chance!" Cole said.
"Do you really expect us to hand you a sword and let you go?" Lloyd asked.
"If you wish to live, then yes." He replied.
"Well forget it! No way! I wouldn't trust you with a...uh..."

"A pillow!" Kai suggested with a smile.
We all paused and looked at him with a 'really' look.
"It's the most harmless thing I could think of..."

"It's not going to happen! You're not going anywhere, not without me! I'm your son, remember? I'm Oni too." Lloyd said.
"No, you are 'part' Oni. That means you might survive." Garmadon said, pushing him away.

I rolled my eyes.

"And neither are you Garmadon. I'm the only full-blooded Oni on this ship, you may have more Oni blood than your son but you still have dragon blood and creation, that still makes you part Oni." I said in annoyance.
"Whatever." Garmadon said, walking off.
"We'll just have to find out." Lloyd muttered with a glare.

I leaned on the balcony on the lower deck, we were on our way to the city and were almost there. I could see the dark cloud of destruction and had a bad feeling.
I volunteered to go along as well since Garmadon and Lloyd needed as much help as they could get, though I wasn't too sure if our plan would succeed.

"Wow, will you look at that." Jay said, coming up behind me.
"Yeah, pretty creepy." I replied.
"Yeah! But also kind of beautiful in some sort of weird way, isn't it?" He said.
"Destruction is not beautiful." I said, looking down at my hands.
"Well I just meant the colours and the clouds....or not. Uh never mind."

I didn't reply, only looking back at the city and hearing Jay gulp.
"It's times like these when you realise what's really important in life." He said, walking to be able to face me, hand behind his back.
"I guess so." I replied, looking at him with a half smile.

"So uh, um, (Y/n)....I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now, after we first met..." He said nervously.
"Ok, shoot." I said, looking at him.
Jay cleared his throat a couple of times before kneeling onto the ground.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, uh.....AH!" He said before screaming and falling back.

I turned my head to see Garmadon peering over my shoulder.
"What do you want?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.
"Absolutely nothing." He replied with a smirk and walking off.

"Ugh, I don't like him, what were you going to say?" I asked as I helped Jay up.
" can wait." He replied rubbing the back of his neck and looking away.

Word count: 2474 words

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz