"Not to do it."  Savior said looking down.

"So why you hit her? You wanna get a whooping?" Armani asked. "Cause that's where you headed."

"No mama." He looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry."

"Next time I catch you or hear that you hitting your sister, that's your behind." Armani pointed her finger at him. "You hear me?"

"Yes ma'am." He mumbled.

"Damn off to a rough start already." Nasir said entering the home again from the garage entrance. He was loading up the trunk of the car of the Uber that had just arrived. "Come on y'all, the Uber is waiting for us."

Armani grabbed her purse and the bookbag full of snacks and then took both Savior and Kaori's hand going out to the Uber Black SUV with Raseem walking closely behind them. She  lifted Kaori into her car seat and secured her in while Nasir secured Savior, and once they got into the car they were on their way to the airport.

"Shit." Nasir cursed under his breath seeing how long the check-in lines were when they arrived to the airport. "Okay y'all we have to be quick and get these tags on so we can join the line to check these bags in."

Everyone went to the check-in bag kiosk and printed out their tags and whoever finished first went to join the line. Once everyone finished, they joined whoever was first to finish and together they checked in their bags. Armani's bag of course came out to be the heaviest and nearly was overweight coming in at 49.9 pounds.

"Yo ass stays overpacking." Nasir said as they walked to go through Airport Security.

"Hush," Armani rolled her eyes. "I brought the kids iPad so they can watch a movie or something on the plane." Armani says making him nod his head.

"Good cause I surely wasn't about to give up my phone for Clifford big fat ass." Nasir said making Armani laugh.

They finally made it through the security checkpoint twenty minutes later due to the ridiculously long line, and rushed over to Gate 14B on the left side which was already beginning boarding when they arrived.

"Good morning passengers. This is the pre-boarding announce for flight 579 to Chicago. We are now inviting those with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding at this time. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you."

Armani sat with Raseem while Kaori and Savior sat with Nasir across from them quiet and watching a movie on their iPad.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard flight 579 with service from Brooklyn to Chicago, Illinois. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in seven minutes time. We ask that you fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seats or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take off. Please switch all devices such as computers, tablets, and phone onto airplane mode. Smoke is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Delta Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

The flight attendants went over the seatbelt instructions, exits, and oxygen mask in case of emergencies and finally the plane was ready to go. After the flight attendants made it to their seats, the plan began to move and finally they were off in the air.


Armani pulled the stroller out of the back of the rental BMW her and Nasir had gotten when they went to the car rental place. The weather was a little warmer at 64 degrees and the sun was shining. Kamala expressed her excitement of seeing little Kaori who had grown an attachment to Kamala, and seeing her bad ass nephews who both grew a bond with her. After Armani got the stroller out, she picked Kaori up and put her inside since she clearly was not in the mood to walk. She let Nasir push the stroller while she held Savior's hand and the the family walked to the front door of Kamala's home.  Her house was a nicely built one story home with beautiful landscaping and a single tree in the front lawn.

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