The detective gives a Confession

Start from the beginning

We are now in a cafe that was located within the arcade. Gura was sitting in front of me, enjoying the mountain parfait I bought for her. I was enjoying some Iced Tea, nothing over the top like what Gura is having. She sat in front of me, devouring the parfait like the monster she is.

I smiled while she was enjoying it. Looks like she likes it a lot.

"Gura, slow down. No need to massacre it."

"But it tastes so good."

"What if you get a brain freeze."

"Ame, are you underestimating the mighty, all-powerful...aaahhh, my brain."

"I told you so."

She was in a state of being too stupid. She was holding her brain for dear life.

"Ame, It isn't going away."

"Just give it a minute or two."


"Ame, so what did you wanna talk about."

"Ahhh, yes, that."

I guess it's time to get into the meat of the matter.

"You know that I have been coming home late from 'work', right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I have something to confess."

The tone has gotten a lot serious. I'm shy to tell her this because she believes that every time I leave the house, I go to work, but that isn't the case. When I get up in the morning I go to my office to play games and do favors for people. It wasn't because it was for detective reasons since I have retired. She didn't know any of this so I have decided to come clean. It won't do anything good for my heart if I keep hiding these things from her. I spilled the beans to her and waited for her to react.

"I see. I didn't know."




"It isn't all bad, you know?"


A bolt of relief almost struck my brain.

"Ame, There is no need to be all serious about this. It's fine. You don't have to tell me everything but you."

"NO, It isn't that Gura. I just wanted to be unfiltered about this part about me and also want you to stop seeing me as the person I was before, not like I have a problem with it or anything."

"Seeing you like this is pretty rare for me. You're making me blush by how close you are to me right now."

Apparently, I found myself leaning over the table between us. Laying out the truth to her came out as a confession to the people around us. People gossip a bit, but I wasn't quite sure what they were saying. Better for me if I didn't.

"I'm sorry."

I returned to my original position.

"Don't worry about it."

Both of us lost our composure a bit but we were back to business as usual. Not with a straight face but a relieved one.

"Eh-hem. As I was saying, Ame. You don't have to worry about it. Even if you don't tell me everything. I'll still accept you as my guardian. Don't worry, Seriously. Don't. I'm honestly surprised that you're being honest with me. So don't sweat the details too much."

The relief finally struck my brain. I find it unbelievable that I would get flustered about this of all things. This is quite unbecoming of me but it's the first time for everything, am I right? The chill air came back to the conversation and we resumed like usual.

"So about the games you play at 'work', can you bring them home so both of us can play together?"

"I don't mind but do you?"

"What does that mean?"

"We saw how bad you were playing. You're the one letting the team down."

"It's because you, you're the one screwing me over."

"I beg to differ, Gura."

"I'm sooo ruining you."

"I would like to see you try. Heh, heh, heh."

Looks like I'm going to sell the office and spend the time exclusively at home with Gura playing games on my retirement funds. The act is no more. In the future, who knows what joy will bring us together with the chemistry we have. She will probably end up crying when I beat her.

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