#1 A blond

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It was a peaceful day in the country of Japan... or somewhat, Villians and Heros alike ran around like cats and dogs, fighting it out until one or the other wins, and usually the dogs win... but of course, there are tricky little cats out there lurking in the shadows.

But we are through with animal metaphors, this story is about HIM! The god of this realm pointed towards Musutafu, a city in Japan.

A young boy, roughly in his teens was running with a notebook and pen in his hands, his eyes shining deep viridian color while his hair was almost matching it, fairly unkempt and fluffy, his face dotted with four perfectly symmetrical freckles on both his cheeks, yep that's the one, he's tripping over the air at some points.

That is Izuku Midoriya, a teen who dreamed what every young kid dreamed of being, a Hero! In a world the likes which he lived in, heroes exist as a necessity in the world in which villains run amuck. Of course! What kid wouldn't want to do what the heroes do, fly around, shoot lasers out of their eyes... but that's the thing... Izuku Midyoriya is quirkless, in a quirk inhabited world.


A world where Twenty percent is still without quirks, but still it was rapidly growing smaller, it was seen as a disability in a world where supernatural like abilities sprout, but Izuku never gave up... even when his best friend turned bully kept belittling him for dreaming too big that his brain might explode, and perhaps he was right, but that never stopped the green-haired boy, Of course, his dream was too big to give up, he would try his best to lead him into his goal... but the problem was he didn't know where to start. Muttering to himself he slowed his pacing as he finally stopped at police tape where a villain fight was happening.

He pushed the pen against paper and started to scribble notes down in his notebook, muttering away as he did before his eyes shined so brightly, "Wow! That's Kamui Woods! He's so cool!" The stars in his eyes twinkling as he started to write more and more down, and just as Kamui was about to seize the villain with his chain prison... "CANYON CANON!" A loud voice boomed as a giant hero kicked the villain and into the street before seemingly giving a pose for the camera in a very very tight bodysuit. Izuku frowned at that but wrote down a new page.

"Mount lady huh... quirk gigantification, able to increase the size of her body immensely, although a useful quirk, it would be hard whenever a villain was inside a building... and she seems to be in it for fame and... does not have any self-respect at all." Izuku shook his head as he snapped his book shut, the bad thing about the world they lived in was that Heroes was a job, so people were paid for doing the right thing, which is not a wrong thing to compensate them for a dangerous profession, it was earned... but some people only do it for the money and fame.

That was the harsh truth that made it into Izuku's mind when he witnessed many heroes take credit for captures, doing the capturing but not finding and fighting, he had a good idea what real heroes were like... Like All might! He squealed in happiness as he thought of his idol before his walk to school was abruptly stopped by the sound of something interesting. It was rustling of clothes fairly quickly before a shout after each sound. He turned the corner which he never took and before him was something he was fairly awed to see.

The Dojo from this city was in use. Dojo's still existed, but they were a rare sight, most training facilities were owned by hero agencies to train sidekicks or even interns at rare times, so most dojo's closed as most people didn't need to learn how to fight from outside sources as schools helped out. His eye's peered on to the person in front of the dojo, a blond teen, about his age was throwing out punches and after a few more punches he shouted and then landed before retracting his arms as they landed to his side.

The blond turned and Izuku got to see piercing blue eyes and interesting birthmarks across his cheeks, sort of like whiskers, maybe it was from his quirk? Izuku muttered as he seemingly stared at the blond. Said blond grabbed a bottle of water from a bench before getting a swig before the blond turned slightly to see the green-haired teen staring at him. Izuku blushed brightly as he ran in the direction that he should have left. Said blond stared at his retreating back in curiosity.

"Naruto!" The now named Naruto turned around as he looked towards the door that was being opened by a blond lady with brown eyes, one of her more... noticeable features being the blue diamond on her forehead and her... assets. "What is it, granny?" He drawled out as 'granny' grew a tick mark and bumped him on the head, "Stop calling me that, your first day of school and you are not even ready, go get changed and good god put on some deodorant." Naruto lifted up his arm and he grimaced, he didn't think it would be that bad.

"Got it, got it..." He sighed as he pulled a uniform out of his bag, he was going to change in the locker area but the absoluteness in his adoptive mother's voice was there...

Naruto Uzumaki, that was this teen's name, he was a stubborn teen who usually got into way to much trouble, so his adoptive mother homeschooled him into breaking his nature, though it worked a bit, he still was mischievous as ever, pulling pranks on anyone that he could. They recently moved into Musutafu as Tsunade, his adoptive mother had gotten a new job at UA, the highschool that sat over a hill that overlooked the city.

Naruto had even gotten a recommendation by his adoptive mother, but he... 'respectfully declined.' Saying he wanted to get in on his own merits, not from the Hero Princess. She wasn't very known, only doing most of her work in hospitals as her quirk, Aura expansion was rather useful in terms of healing, although if she was on the scene, she may have been more well known.

He shook his head at the thought, his uniform was finally on after fiddling with the buttons for a few minutes, Tsunade came around the corner and gave him a look over and nodded her head. "Good, now don't cause any trouble, and if you find an interesting boy to bring home, call me first!" Naruto ground his teeth at the tease Tsunade had been doing to him ever since he told her a year ago. "Not in your lifetime Granny!" Tsunade's tick was back and before she could get ahold of him he was already out the door.



Not much but, if you guys want to see more then tell me, I have an idea of how I want to progress this story so, expect more!

Naruto's Hero AcademiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon