Chapter 8: How deep is your love?

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"Why do you keep checking the time Yuma?" Kari asked her tone mischievous.

"No reason." Yuma answered too quickly. 

"Has someone got plans," Kari teased devilishly, "perhaps with a girl."

"Mind your own business, Kari." Yuma hissed as his duel gazer buzzed in his hand. He looked at it. There was a message from Shark. He was waiting out the front. Yuma's face lit up as he scrambled you to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Kari asked as Yuma rushed to the door to put his trainers on.

"Out." Yuma answered, "See you all later." Yuma left the house. Kari rushed to the window and saw Shark waiting by the gate, his motorbike behind him.

Shark was lent against the wall, looking at the view behind his motorbike. The golden, orange sun was high in the cloudless, sky. The light was dancing off of the windows of the houses in the area. Birds chirped merrily as they flew through the sky, casting shadows on the ground. There was the sweet smell of grass and early spring flowers in the air.

The sun light seemingly shone heavenly down on Shark, Yuma thought, making his purple hair, which was in a pony-tail a part from two bangs that hung either side of his pale face, look lighter in tone than it was. Shark was stood with one of his feet against the garden wall, a hand gripping the rich purple shirt he was wearing, unbuttoned, over a black pain t-shirt. The purple sleeves of Shark's shirt were rolled up. He was wearing dark boot cut jeans, and had his normal white shoes on, that were decorated with green, gem like ornaments. Shark had a purple, hooded jacket held in his other hand, just in it rained. Yuma thought Shark truly looked like royalty.

Yuma ran down the front garden path vaulted over the front gate. Shark smiled at Yuma's energy. Clearly Yuma was excited. But Yuma looked flushed. The sun light dance off of Shark's deep blue eyes like ocean waves reflecting its light, with affection. Yuma was dazzled by the oceanic shine of Shark's eyes.

Unknown to the couple Kari was watching them from the window trying to read into their actions.

"Someone has a lot of energy." Shark noted by way of greeting, smiling at Yuma, who was bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Is it a problem?" Yuma asked, freezing on the spot, anxious.

"No, its adorable." Shark said as he reached over to a blushing Yuma to pull him close and kissing him softly on the lips. Neither could hear Kari's excited squealing from the house, which drew the rest of Yuma's family to the window.

"So what film are we going to see?" Yuma asked when they broke apart, even redder then he had been, still in Shark's arms.

"In a hurry?" Shark asked playfully, "And here I thought you wanted to spend time with me." Shark let go of Yuma, his face becoming an unreadable mask, his eyes closed, as he took a couple of steps towards his bike.

"Of course I want to spend time with you," Yuma said panicking, not picking you on Shark's joke, "I just don't my sister running out the front door to embarrass me." Yuma put his arms around Shark, breaking his mask as he smiled. He turned in Yuma's arms and noticed that they had an audience. 

"I was playing with you." Shark laughed, "Also we have an audience." Yuma spun and saw his family in the window. They tried to look like they weren't watching.

"Well, I'm dead." Yuma stated hiding his face in his hands, "Kari will tease me to no end."

Shark chuckled as he reached over to recover two helmets, handing one to Yuma.

"You had better hold tight." Shark instructed as they both mounted the vehicle.

"Look after my brother Shark!" Kari called from the now open front room window, smiling evilly, "And Yuma, behave yourself!"

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