Cat Noir raised his eyebrows but let out a sigh, "You are right, don't go anywhere unless I or Ladybug tell you to." Then he went away.

"Tikki, I really need to go."

"Yes, Marinette." Tikki appeared from Marinette's small pink purse and said, worryingly.

"Tikki, spots on!"


Ladybug was scared to face Luka more than she was scared of Dream Crusher. But she had to keep herself in control. When she reached where the others were, she was not surprised to see Luka standing still as a statue with glowing eyes. As if his only purpose was to trouble Marinette. She also knew that some part of him, the actual Luka, was still in there. The way he had acted about Marinette's secret made it clear.

Dream Crusher looked at Ladybug and snarled, "Here comes the bug! Probably the only person I despise as much as Marinette." Then she looked at Luka and he turned towards Ladybug.

"Cat Noir! This is Lila but not as Volpina, where is her akuma?"

"I don't know mi'lady-" Ladybug winced slightly when he called her that, "-but look, she is wearing a bracelet which wasn't there before." Cat Noir said it with an edge in his voice, like he was surprised more by the bracelet than its presence. Ladybug didn't think much about it and then looked at the bracelet. She gasped as she realised that it was the same bracelet Adrien had given her on her birthday. But how was this possible? She still had that bracelet with her. 

Ladybug realised Lila must have made a copy, like her fake miraculous. All the fake accessories yelled about Lila's own personality. She was a fake, a liar. She had always tried to make Marinette look bad, and now? She was trying to break her beautiful relationship with Luka only because she wanted her to be unhappy. Anger boiled inside Marinette. If only being Ladybug could solve all Marinette's problems...

"The akuma has to be in that bracelet. Cat Noir, try to get closer to her while I think of a plan."

Cat Noir nodded, "Why isn't she attacking us with the giant pink ball, like she did to Luka?"

"Don't provoke her!" Then she ran towards Luka who knew her secret. She knew she had to catch Dream Crasher's akuma, but how?


"Ladybug." He regarded her with such coldness in his voice, Ladybug shuddered.

"She has put a spell on you! Snap out of it," She told him but Luka barely moved which further confirmed her suspicion that Dream Crusher was planning on using Luka only on Marinette. 

"Ladybug? Come up with an amazing plan yet? I could really use some help!"

Ladybug darted her eyes towards Cat Noir who was jumping over cars which were being thrown by the villain. She speeded towards him and hit Dream Crusher's bracelet hand with her yo-yo, which got her attention. Ladybug made a crazy plan.

"Cat Noir, get her to raise her hand with the bracelet. When you get the cue, grab her other hand tightly. And Don't. Let. Go!"

Cat Noir understood and jumped high yelling, "Hey gumball machine!" According to her plan, Dream Crusher raised her hand to get a hold of Cat Noir, she was in the middle of Ladybug and Cat Noir, which meant she was facing her back towards ladybug. Ladybug swung her yo-yo and caught Dream Crusher's bracelet hand in it. She tuned around and started to wriggle it free with the help of her other hand, but Cat Noir, who had landed (on four feet) in front of Dream Crusher grabbed her other hand. 

Ladybug tried to loosen the bracelet and get it out, but before she could completely get hold of it, Dream Crusher hissed, "My palms are free, you know." Ladybug realised what she meant, but too late. She summoned the same pink energy again in her other hand and before Cat Noir understand and react, she smaller ball of energy hit him in the chest. He yelped too, just like Luka had and groaned in pain. His knees hit the ground but he didn't let go of Dream Crusher's hand.

"Let go of me, you scum!" And Dream Crusher snatched her hand from Cat Noir's grip. Cat Noir smiled sadly at Ladybug and whispered, "You told me not to let go..." And fell on the ground with his eyes open.

Anger boiled in Ladybug's heart like never before. First Luka and now Cat Noir? She understood Dream Crusher's plan: Use Luka to destroy Marinette and use Cat Noir to destroy Ladybug. What she did not know was the pain was dual for Marinette and Ladybug. She looked at the villain with such hatred in her eyes and heart that she herself was unaware that such drastic feelings could exist in someone.

But on the bright side, Ladybug had gotten the bracelet. She had planned to use Cat Noir's catalysm on it but now that was not possible, so she tried to snap it herself. She wanted that bracelet finished. It reminded her of all the bad things Lila had done with her. But the bracelet was not breaking. Marinette cursed and tuned towards the villain.

"Dream Crusher, you won't win!"

"I will. Cat Noir is in my control, I can have his miraculous now. But first-" Then she stopped and started listening as if someone was speaking in her head. Hawk Moth, Ladybug thought.

"Hawk Moth, I know what I am doing!" Dream Crusher said with a sour face. To Ladybug, Lila seemed eviler than Hawk Moth.

Just then, Cat Noir stood up. His eyes were glowing bright pink and he started moving towards Ladybug with a sad frown on his face, but his walk seemed to be saying otherwise. His walk reminded her of Copycat, a different version of Cat Noir who was evil.

"Ladybug. Who is it? I will crush everyone you love beside me!" He yelled in pain. 

Ladybug backed away and Dream Crusher smiled, like she was watching the most interesting part of a movie.

"Cat Noir will do my work now." She said.

"I had always loved you Ladybug, but you love someone else. He is dead now!" 

Ladybug tried not to look at Luka because that might give Cat Noir a clue about who it was.

"You have let me down Ladybug." And Cat Noir attacked her.


Word count: 1605!!!

This has to be the biggest chapter ever. Do you guys think my descriptions have improved? I worked a lot on it and I hope its better now. I'll see you guys after 7th now!

Until Next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

We'll Find Them... (A Lukanette Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin