"I think she might like me," Aang said quickly. "I mean 'like me' like me. She started hugging on me, and rubbing my leg, and giving me these looks, but I didn't do anything, I promise!"

Toph's stomach began to tighten. Her face contorted as she struggled to maintain control, but she was losing the battle. Everything was surging forth within her to the point that she could no longer keep it in. She grabbed her stomach, closed her eyes, and began to laugh. Needless to say, Aang was thoroughly confused. He was so sure that she was going to be angry with him. Or at least just angry.

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"Mad?" Toph said as she tried to catch her breath. "Of course I'm mad."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because I already knew that she liked you, you moron!"

Toph's laughter resumed as Aang just stood there scratching his head.

"How could you have known before me?" he asked.

"Because everyone already knows," Toph answered. "Look, I'm not mad at you. You can't help being so stupid that it's kind of cute."

"Was that a compliment?"

"The only thing you did wrong was chicken out of telling me sooner. And who can blame you? I'm pretty scary," Toph said proudly. "But you do realize that I need to take care of June now, right?"

"How about you let me handle it?" Aang asked. "I think I can take care of things without involving any bloodshed."

"Fine," Toph sighed. "If you want to take all of the fun out of it."

Toph could feel the tension leaving him as he finally started to laugh. Toph smiled as she jabbed his shoulder and walked with him with the bell ringing in the distance. With each step Aang's vibrations faded a little more, bringing an incredible sense of relief to Toph as they walked. She wrapped her arm around his and leaned into him slightly.

"What's all this?" he asked.

"Just a little," she said. "Just let me do it a little."

The walk to class was infinitely better than the walk up to the roof. When Aang put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned into his body, his steady familiar heartbeat soothed her. It was much better than the past few days. June had to be dealt with, but that could wait. After all, Aang did say he would take care of it.

"If I'm not mistaken," Aang grinned. "I do believe you're purring."

Toph laughed lightly as they came to the door of their class. Just as they were about to pass through it, she pushed Aang off of her and into the frame, leaving him standing with his face in the wall as she took her seat.

"I do believe you're mistaken," Toph grinned.

Contrary to the beginning of the week, this day past in relative ease for Toph. Without the worry that nagged at her over why Aang was acting so weird, it seemed to pass by faster. To think all of that was over something so stupid and small. Even putting up with Qiang at lunch was easier than usual. She was definitely going to have to get back at Aang for making her worry over nothing. It was not until after classes on the way to the gym that Toph was put back into a foul mood. She had just received a farewell kiss from Aang as he ran off to the track when she felt Zuko approaching from behind.

"Toph!" He did not sound happy.

"What's up, Hot Head?"

"Our captain is an idiot!"

"If you're just figuring that out, then I wonder who the bigger idiot is," she smiled.

"No, I mean he's a major idiot! I was looking into the tournament to see who our competition would be. Guess what I found out."

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