~Chapter 8~

Depuis le début

Leo narrowed his eyes at Raph, seeing that he was practically dying to burst out laughing. "Don't."

That word alone just seemed to break Raph as he laughed loudly, slapping his board a bit. "I-I'm sorry, but your yelp was just too funny and the way you fell off!" He exclaimed through his laughter.

Leo pouted, splashing water at Raph. "Hey! You said I don't have to worry about getting it the first time!"

Raph covered his face with his arms as Leo splashed him, still laughing though. "I know, but I didn't expect you to fall off like that. It was funny and adorable all at the same time."

Leo's cheeks bloomed a bright red hearing Raph call him adorable. A smile spread across his face as he giggled a bit. "Oh yeah? Well, let's see how adorable I am now!" He exclaimed before tackling Raph under the water.

Now was Raph's turn to yelp as he didn't expect the raven-haired boy to tackle him into the water. He smiled, shaking his head as he watched Leo resurfaced as he stayed under the water a few seconds longer before spotting something from the corner of his eye. He saw a kid a little in the distance, struggling to stay above the water, eventually being completely submerged in the water as he flailed around, trying to swim to the surface. Raph acted entirely on instinct and swam towards the boy as quickly as possible, even though his lungs were beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen, though he was going to push himself until he got the boy to safety.

Leo giggled as he resurfaced, flicking his hair out of his eyes as he waited for Raph to resurface, but he didn't. "Raph?" He called out, looking around before taking a deep breath and dove under the water, suddenly seeing what was happening. Raph was almost at the boy by this point, yet he was running out of air and fast. Leo quickly swam towards them to try and help any way that he could.

Raph managed to grab onto the boy, but he becomes incredibly weak as his body was beginning to give up on him due to getting no oxygen, yet he tried his best to push the boy up to the surface as the water started to enter through his nose and mouth. His vision was growing blurry, and the last thing he felt was an arm grab him.

Leo quickly managed to get everyone to the surface, pulling them back to the shore even though it was a challenge pulling Raph and the boy while trying to keep their heads above the water.

The boy's mother rushed into the water, grabbing the boy as he was coughing loudly and clinging to his mother while she cried, holding onto him for dear life.

Leo pulled Raph onto the shore, laying him on his back. "Raph?!" He exclaimed in a panicked tone. He leaned down to listen to his breathing, but couldn't hear anything. "No, no no, Raph don't do this" he teared up as he quickly started doing chest compressions. "Please Raph, please" he begged as tears began streaming down his face. He pinched Raph's nose and gave him CPR, hoping and praying it would work as he went back to chest compressions. "Come back, Raph, please. Please, I can't lose you!" He exclaimed through his sobs.

Suddenly water spat out of Raph's mouth as he woke up, chocking on the water that was spitting out of his lungs.

"Oh my god," Leo quickly helped Raph sit up as he violently coughed up the water, trying to catch his breath. Leo felt utter relief wash over him as more tears streamed down his face, though this time they were happy tears. It's a good thing he knows CPR.

Raph held his chest as he tried to catch his breathing frantically looking around before looking at Leo. "T-The..kid.."

"He's okay; he's with his mother. You saved him, Raph" Leo smiled widely at him, amazed at how Raph could be thinking about someone else's well being right now than his own after nearly dying. He couldn't contain himself as he hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy you're okay...I thought you were gone"

Raph's eyes widened a little not expecting the hug, yet he smiled and returned it. "I don't die that easily, Blue" he chuckled a bit even though it hurt.

"B-But you were so still a-and you weren't breathing...I thought I lost you" More tears seemed to stream down Leo's cheeks as he buried his face into Raph's neck.

Raph's eyes widened a bit; he was surprised that Leo cared for him so much. Before, it was only his father that cared so much about him. He felt himself tear up as he smiled, gently pulling out of the hug as he gazed into Leo's eyes, placing his finger under the raven-haired boy's chin so he would look at him. "Hey, I ain't ever leaving ya, okay? That's a promise."

A small blush rose to Leo's cheeks as he sniffed and nodded with a little, yet sweet smile while gazing back into those fantastic emerald green eyes he's fallen so hard for.

Raph smiled softly as he got lost in Leo's ocean blue eyes, absolutely captivated by them. He darted his eyes from Leo's to his lips for a quick moment before he slowly started to lean in, his eyes shutting.

Leo suddenly noticed what Raph was doing and panicked, clearing his throat to grab the redheads attention. "W-We should probably head home, seems like enough death-defying activities for one day" he giggled nervously, yet was mentally screaming at himself. 'You idiot! You absolute fucking idiot! He was going to kiss you!'

Raph opened his eyes, blushing a little from embarrassment as he nodded a bit, clearing his throat. "Y-Yeah, ah let's go" he stood up a little shaky, but after a few moments he was fine as he grabbed his board and clothes.' Should've known he wouldn't feel the same way about me, how could he? I'm nothing special anyway' he thought to himself as he walked back.

The ride home was very silent and awkward. Leo said a quiet goodbye to Raph before leaving to his house. Once he entered his room, he groaned loudly and faced planted onto the bed, yelling into the sheets. 'I'm so sorry, Raph. I don't even know why I rejected the kiss I guess...I was just scared' he thought as tears welled up in his eyes, memories of his past relationship coming flooding back.

Raph sighed as he closed his bedroom door behind him, discarding his things to the ground before sitting on the edge of his bed. He sat with his heads in his hands, regretting even trying to kiss Leo. "Probably for the best" he mumbled to himself before his bedroom door burst open, his uncle stood in the doorway swaying back and forth with a furious expression on his face, and for the first time in a long time, Raph genuinely feared his uncle...

Word count: 1972

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