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You wake up with a pounding headache, regretting the five Fireball shots. Checking your phone, you see a text from Emily...

Emily <3
heyyyy pretty girl! i talked to jj and pg and they're both down for girls day! i'll pick you up at 10 or 11, depending on when you wake up lol
but no rush! i know spencer is gonna make you breakfast and make sure you eat it but he's not gonna watch you for the full hour! i will be though... sorry not sorry <3
you know it's because i love you- i really do- but yeah, i'll stop texting now, just text me when you wake up!

You go ahead and text her back...

hey lovely, i just woke up, pick me up at 10:30?
also how do you not have a headache or hangover, my head is killing me lol
and you were right, i smell eggs and i think bacon but idk

Emily <3
alrighty, be nice to him. we're only doing this bc we love you.

i know you do, i'll see you later.
where are we going btw?

Emily <3
i think pg wanted to go to the mall ofc lol

she might as well live in one-

Emily <3
have you seen her apartment? she basically does


"Y/N? Are you up?" Spence speaks up from the other side of the door.

gtg, see you in 40!

Emily <3
see ya pretty girl!

"Yeah I'm up! I think... my head hurts."

"I knew it would," he opens the door, holding a tray of food and drinks, "I made breakfast! Eggs, bacon, and toast, along with a coke and water. I had to go get aspirin from the store since I don't have any pain killers. I hope you-"

"Spence, I love it. Thank you." He smiles and blushes slightly. Spence places the tray on your lap and you're instantly hit with the smell. It wasn't a bad smell. It just was a lot of food.

"I know you don't want to but please e-" you interrupt him by taking a bite of the eggs. It tasted pretty good, if you were being honest he wasn't the worst cook in the world. A huge smile spreads across his face, it's the first time you haven't objected to eating so he's very happy about that.

"Don't make a big deal," you laugh slightly. He just keeps his big smile on his face. "Emily's picking me up at 10:30 by the way."

"Okay, we talked a bit last night. Can I um have a key to your old place? Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, Will, and I are going to get the rest of your stuff if that's okay."

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't know how... how he left the place." You hated mentioning him, but it's true. You hadn't stepped in that house since you left...

"Hey, stop thinking about him. He's gone." You smile softly at Spence.

"Thanks for the reminder genius, I really appreciate it," you say sincerely. His reminders genuinely did make you feel better. You knew he was gone, but it still felt like he was here sometimes.

"Want to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend while you're eating and getting ready?" he asks, smiling.

"Why do you love that show so much?" you question while laughing. You love the show too, but you never thought Spence would love it as much as he did.

Drowning Without Water - A Criminal Minds x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu