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It's almost been a week since you got the text from him. There haven't been any more messages or attempts to contact you but that didn't lessen how scared you were. You were still just as terrified as you were when you first received the text. Spencer keeps trying to comfort and calm you down but it hasn't been working as well as it normally does. He added alarms and extra locks to all of his windows just to make you feel safer. It was his apartment and he was changing it for you. To make you comfortable.

A few days ago, him and Morgan went back to Alex's house to talk to him and see what was going on but he wasn't there. They checked every day since then but there's been no sign of him. That only made you more nervous.

He wasn't the type of person to disappear without a trace, and you mean without a trace. Garcia had been tracking everything related to him. His cell has been off since they got your stuff from his place. There's been no activity on any of his bank accounts or socials either. It's like he disappeared into thin air.

"Y/N? Did you hear Hotch?" Spencer asks, snapping you out of your own head. That was happening a lot lately. It was really hard to focus on anything without thinking of him. You shake your head. "We have a case in DC." At least it's semi-local.

"Okay, I'll uh meet you in the conference room."

"Is everything okay?" No.

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

"You've been living with me for over a week now and we've been best friends for longer. I know when you're not okay. Talk to me, please." You sigh and look him in the eyes.

"I can't stop thinking of him. I don't feel safe Spencer." He moves in closer to you, sitting on your desk.

"We will find him Y/N. I promised you we would and I don't break promises, ever." It's true. Over your entire friendship, he's made you dozens of promises and he's always followed through with all of them.

"You're right. Thank you. Let's go... case it up."

"Case it up?" He looks at you with an amused look on his face.

"Shut up and go to the conference room, I'll see you there." You laugh as he waves at you and heads up the stairs to the roundtable. You were gathering your things when your phone went off in your pocket. Wanting to join your team, you quickly answered it without checking the caller ID.

"This is SSA Y/F/N Y/L/N speaking."

"Hello, lovely." Alex. Fucking shit. Your blood ran cold hearing his voice on the other end of the line.

"W-what do you want Alex? Where are you?"

"I just wanted to wish you luck on your case. DC right? Be careful... the killer has started targeting the law enforcement working the case. The last thing I want is you getting hurt, or worse, killed."

"Why the fuck do you care what happens to me?" You look back at the roundtable, no one was looking at you thank god, all of them just focusing on the files.

"Watch your mouth Y/N."

"Sor-" You stop yourself before you could apologize. You were so used to it, it almost slipped out.

"Y/N? You coming?" Spencer pokes his head out of the roundtable room and calls out.

"Yeah, just one more second." You yell back. He seems satisfied and goes back inside.

"I should let you go to your precious boyfriend and job."

"He's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend I'm staying with until I'm safe from-"

Drowning Without Water - A Criminal Minds x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now