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The sound of your phone alarm jolts you up. You look over, eyes barely open, and see that your boyfriend is still asleep next to you. You grab your phone and carefully sneak out of bed.

You check through your phone as you walk towards the kitchen in a groggy haze. "Coffee. Now." you think to yourself. You grab the coffee from the shelf and just as you start it your phone rings. You look and see who's calling. Hotch. Damnit. You and the team were supposed to have the next three days off but I guess serial killers don't really take days off. You pick up and Hotch tells you to come in ASAP. You tell him you'd be there in less than an hour and hang up.

Shit. Your boyfriend, Alex, wasn't going to be happy. While your coffee is brewing you quietly go back into the bedroom. You decided changing in there would wake him so you grab your work clothes and head into the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror.


Your arm still hurts where you fell on it last night. Least, that's what Alex said happened. You couldn't quite remember all the events that happened but that was normal. You keep having these blackouts whenever you're home. It's just the stress from the job. It's better than the flashbacks and nightmares some of your co-workers talk about them having. You made sure that the outfit you grabbed would cover the red and slightly blue mark up.

You finish getting ready as you write a note for Alex whenever he gets up:

"Hey babe, work called. I'm really sorry about getting called in. I promise we'll have our weekend soon. Love you! PS. I made a fresh pot of coffee, you may need to heat it up though."

You pour yourself a cup to go and leave to head to work. You work at the FBI, specifically the Behavioral Analysis Unit. You've been working there for almost a year now but it feels like longer. Everyone has been so nice to you, welcoming you to their little family with open arms as soon as you joined. You knew that this place was where you belonged.


Hotch was briefing all of you on the next assignment but you couldn't focus. Your phone was going off like crazy in your pocket. It was on vibrate but you were pretty sure everyone knew something was up. You finally look down to check your phone. 5 missed calls and 27 texts from Alex.

Jesus. You decide to read them although they were all very similar to each other in what they meant: "Y/N. Pick up the phone. Now!" or "Why did you leave without telling me?" or "I swear to god Y/N... if you don't answer me..."

"Hey," you respond, carefully looking up and making sure no one is watching you, "I'm so sorry. Got pulled in on a case. I'll call you as soon as I can." You continue to read through his texts and you must've lost track of time.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and jump. You look around and everyone's gone except for him. "Spence! Jesus, you scared me-"

He interrupts you, "Y/N... are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course I am. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing.. just something seemed off. Anyway, I don't know if you heard Hotch but wheels up in 20."

"Oh. Thank you Spence. Hey... Do you mind filling me in on what this one is about? I must've zoned out or something."

"Of course..."


You and the team just arrived back from the case after 5 long days. The case was a rough one. You always hated ones when teenagers or kids were the victims... especially when the unsub was a type of sadist.

"Welcome home my beautiful crime fighters!" Garcia greeted you all outside of the elevator.

"Baby girl we all know you're the beautiful one, as well as pretty boy over here," Morgan said as he jokingly hit Spence's arm. You keep walking forward to your desk as you hear the team playfully talk amongst themselves. You sit down and let out a deep sigh as you do.

You feel your phone ring in your pocket. You take it out, see Alex calling, and press answer as soon as you could. You instantly hear him yelling at you for not calling or texting him at all the past almost 5 hours. "Babe calm down. I was on the plane." And although you tried to say it quietly, you saying this peeks the attention of the team, but you don't realize.

He yells at you for another 2 minutes, even though you keep trying to calm him down. Finally, he hangs up and you turn around seeing the whole team standing behind you. Looks of worry and concern are across all their faces. Except for one person. Spence. His face was full of rage, but not the rage he shows towards unsubs. This was different. You've never seen it before.

"What was that about Y/N?" JJ asks with a motherly tone.

"It was nothing, I swear. I do have to head home though. I hope everyone enjoys their two days off! See you all on Monday." You say as you start to walk through the group they've formed.

As your walking through you feel someone grab your arm. You look up and it's Reid. His face is still angry and hasn't moved at all. "Y/N. If you're in trouble. Tell me, please. If he lays a hand on you call or text me and I will drive over there and get you immediately." You start to see his eyes drop as he turns and looks at you.

"I'm fine Spence. Seriously." You say as you look him in the eyes and smile.

"Promise?" He asks in a lower, almost scared voice.

"Promise." You respond and two seconds later he lets go of your arm. You make your way towards the elevators as you turn around and yell out, "I love you all! Stay sane and safe!" like you always do. Although this time you didn't get smiles and laughter.

It was all sadness and frowns.


"Goddamnit! What took you so long!?"

You'd gotten home from work and Alex was pacing the front hallway. "I'm sorry Alex! Traffic was really bad."

"Yeah yeah likely story! I bet you were out fucking that Reid guy who your always picking up and talking to!"

"Babe no it was honestly just traffic... I promise." You respond, taking a step away from him.

"I don't want you hanging out or talking to him outside of work, you hear me?!" ...what? Spence was your best guy friend... you couldn't just drop him... "I said," he runs up to you and grabs your arm, "you. hear. me?" You look at his hand on your arm. It was nothing like how Spence grabbed you as you tried to leave work. This grip Alex had on you hurt, badly.

You look down and see him make a fist with his other hand. "I... I..." you stutter out.

"DAMNIT Y/N!" You see him wind his arm back and you move to block yourself but-

Darkness. It's all you see. Darkness.

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