Chapter 7: Be as you are

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"Thanks guys." Yuma said blushing and looking away as silence feel over them.

"You should have told someone, bud." Bronk said to Yuma finally receiving a confused look, "That Astral's leaving had you wanting to ..." Bronk added without finishing, not liking the idea.

"I didn't know how." Yuma admitted, "But thanks, again,  knowing you guys are going to always be in my corner really helps."

"I take it we're the 'Hope in front of' you?" Shark smirked, his ocean blue eyes sparkling kindly in the golden glow of the setting sun. Yuma nodded look at Shark. Tori noticed the sparks flying between the two boys and couldn't hold her tongue any longer. She wasn't ignorant. She'd noticed Shark's concern in the weeks after Astral's departure. Concern that had lead him to team up with Vector to drag Yuma out of bed and to school, and to events. Concern that had made Shark get every single one of Yuma's friends and his sister, to promise to not leave Yuma alone. Then she'd noticed how Yuma seemed more alive, in those depressed months, whenever he was around Shark.

She had thought that it was because they were, to some extent, comrades in arms, having fought to save the world together, sort of. But she now concluded that wasn't the case, since while Yuma had been depressed Kite had insisted on duelling Yuma in an effort to help. Even though Yuma had won that duel, he had no spirit throughout it, and ended by thanking Kite for a good duel and leaving. He didn't celebrate his victory against his friend and rival, who had also helped him save the world.

She'd also been thinking a lot lately about how it had been Shark that had made Yuma smile again. Picked him back up when he had finally broken on the first anniversary of Astral going home. How Yuma seemed to blush in Shark's presence a lot, and Shark the same in reverse. How sparks seemed to fly between the two boys, she thought were friends, whenever their gazes met. Furthermore, since yesterday Tori was picking up on something between them, but she couldn't put her finger on it. But it had to be something big, because it seemed Rio knew, because of her reactions while talking to Yuma yesterday. Tori knew that the last bit was a logical leap, but it made sense. Rio would be excited if something good was to happen that involved her brother. Also she knew Shark well enough that Tori doubted he'd have been able to hide anything from her. So it was with a determined look on her face, that she stepped in front of the four others, forcing them all to stop, and pointed at Shark and Yuma.

"What are you two hiding?" She asked ferociously, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you two had feelings for each other." The two boys blinked at her. Tori was smart.

"Come on that's ridiculous." Bronk said incredulous. Yuma and Shark looked at each other, and something in Yuma's eyes seemed to be telling Shark that he wanted them to know. It was with a resigned sigh, because Shark felt like he couldn't deny Yuma's unspoken request, he smiled his unspoken ascent. Yuma didn't like lying. Shark knew this, and keeping them a secret was forcing them both to lie. Yes it had only been a day since they had kissed and confessed, but lies just weren't Yuma's thing. But Shark knew also, that Yuma most likely didn't know where to begin either. Rio watched this play out nervously, while Tori and Bronk watched, waiting for the response on tender hooks. Shark took Yuma's hand in his own. Yuma smiled gratefully at Shark for understanding.

"Yesterday, Yuma and I kissed in the dance studio," Shark answered looking at Tori and pulling Yuma closer as Rio clapped excitedly, "and confessed we have feelings for each other."

"I knew it!" Tori screamed at the top of her lungs, as Bronk's mouth fell open, "Something just seemed....Wait. I'm right?"

"Yes." Yuma answered, given courage by Shark's willingness to say it, and the encouraging smile he was getting from Shark that he didn't need to hide, "We're going on our first date tomorrow. We both thought we would tell everyone after that. But I've hated keeping the secret, even for a day."

"But why keep it a secret?" Tori asked, "We all would be happy for you both. I am happy for you both. You shouldn't be afraid to be as you are."

"We wanted to be sure it will work out," Shark answered, "on my part, because I don't want to hurt Yuma at all."

"Also, what if you guys laughed, or shunned us for it?" Yuma stated his reasoning, his tone making it sound like a question. Tori looked at Yuma with kind, sad eyes.

"Then we would be pretty bad friends." Tori answered, "But we'd never do that. Everyone deserves to be happy. Isn't that right Bronk?" Tori elbowed Bronk.

"Yeah." He answered her simply still looking dumbstruck. Yuma knew Bronk needed time to process this. The group started walking again, Yuma in Shark's arms, the couple looking both comfortable and satisfied.

"So what exactly happened?" Tori asked eager for the information, causing Bronk to say his goodbye and ditch them, clearly not ready to know the details. Making the group a four.

"Well you see, I caught them." Rio said excitedly, much to Shark chagrin, "I'd walked in unnoticed, after helping the other Barians drag Vector out of the dance studio, and Reginald had Yuma by the elbow, and their eyes were locked, and Yuma seemed to be having difficulty saying something. Then Yuma told Reginald how he'd wanted him to be his first kiss because he liked him."

"Awww, sooo cute!" Tori squeaked, as Yuma and Shark blushed not stopping Rio from talking. Both were happy to let her explain actually, so they could be happy walking together, Yuma in Shark's arms while the purplette rested his head on Yuma's. To Shark this seemed natural. Familiar. Right. As if he'd done this a hundred times before. They tuned out Rio explaining how she'd coughed to end their kiss, and only came back to reality when Tori said, "Wait, back peddle. Why did Ray have to be dragged from the dance studio?"

"Because he's a snake who doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself." Shark answered darkly. Tori frowned at Shark.

"Does it have something to do with why he had a black for yesterday's tech rehearsal?" Tori asked confused. Yuma became very interested in examining Shark's pale hands, while Shark smirked. "Yuma Tsukumo, do you know why Ray had a black eye for tech rehearsal?"

"Maybe." Yuma said quietly as they stopped at a pedestrian crossing to wait for the little green man.

"Is that why you defended Shark?" Tori asked, "Because Shark hit him."

"Shark didn't give Ray that first black eye!" Yuma suddenly snapped, "Why does everyone keep assuming Shark's violent? He isn't."

"Yuma." Shark said in his ear, softly squeezing his hand. That was enough to calm Yuma down. Shark was touched that Yuma had defended him though.

"Sorry Tori." Yuma said looking both guilty and embarrassed.

"But then who gave Vector that first black eye?" Tori asked the trio.

"I did." Yuma admitted looking a little smaller, "I also kneed him in the privates and kicked him across the dance studio." Tori's mouth dropped open as the signal changed and they crossed the road.

"I'm not saying he didn't deserve it..." Tori began once she'd recovered.

"He deserved a lot worse, for what he did." Shark said darkly, holding Yuma a little closer out of reflex.

"Reginald, be nice." Rio said.

"...but why did you hurt Ray, Yuma?" Tori finished her question, "You are the last person I would have thought would want to hurt him."

"Ray went crazy, cornered me and kissed me." Yuma answered quickly, not wanting to relive that part of the memory, "I didn't calm down until after Ray was dragged kicking, from the studio. The rest Rio told you."

The rest of the way to Yuma's house the four didn't speak. Shark did occasionally kiss the top of Yuma's head, making him snuggle more into Shark's embrace, and smile. At the gate Shark kissed Yuma good night and turned to walk with Rio while Tori went the other way to walk to her house. Yuma went to sleep happy after his dinner.

Fishy, fishy, fishy, come swim in my sea.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon