An Old Friend Pt. 2

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Before you start reading, just a little recap, Merida was a threat towards Hiccup and his family and her mother did not yet know what a bitch her daughter was being.

 That same day Astrid was down at the stables feeding Toothless, Stormfly and her children's dragons Thunderwalker and lighteningstriker. Merida silently had walked into the stable without Astrid noticing. Zephyr and Nuffink had noticed immediately, and ran to hide behind their mother.

When Astrid knew what they were scared of she held their little hands and protected them with her own life. "Back off Bitch!" she said, Zephyr felt brave so copied her mother, "yeah back off bitch!" Astrid turned around shocked, "Oh no, Zephyr honey don't say that, its naughty, your daddy would kill me if he found out that I taught you that bad word." Astrid turned back around to confront the Scottish ginger that threatened her and her family, but she was gone. Astrid ushered her kids out of the stable and told them to go find Hiccup, so they ran off frantically, leaving Astrid cautiously looking in all directions for Merida. 

Then suddenly, Merida came up behind her and covered her mouth with a rag that was covered is desflurane, it made Astrid feel dizzy and it knocked her out. 

Merida dragged Astrid to the storage shed which was the building that was furthest from hearing point. Astrid woke up tied to a chair in the centre of the shed, she was also gagged, so any noise she made was muffled. Merida pulled the gag from Astrid's mouth, " scream as much as you want no one can hear you out here, we are too far away!" she cackled like a witch evilly. 

Merida put her foot up on a bench and revealed a knife in her boot, she pulled it out and said, " I'm gonna kill you now, which means when you're dead, sweet, innocent little Hiccup will be all mine, and those annoying children of yours will be out of the picture too!" Astrid was furious, "you can do whatever you want to me, but don't hurt my babies!" she cried out hysterically. Merida spun the knife around her finger and it flicked off her finger and flew straight towards Astrid, slitting her cheek, Merida proceeded to pick up the knife and slit her inner thigh. Astrid yelped out in pain, and closed her legs as tightly as she could trying her best to stop the bleeding. 

Meanwhile, back at the village, Zephyr and Nuffink had burst into the great hall screaming and crying, petrified. Hiccup ran up to them and tried to calm them down, "calm down and tell me what's the matter?!" Zephyr took a long deep breathe and told her father that her mother was in danger. "What do you mean, where is she?!" This time it was Nuffink's turn to take a deep breathe and talk, "Mommy told us to come find you and on our way up here we saw the mean lady drag her up the hill towards the big building at the top!" and he burst out crying again, "Merida took your mommy to the storage shed! and when you said dragging her was she moving?" Zephyr and Nuffink both shook their heads. "That must mean she was unconscious. Come on kids!" Hiccup said grabbing both their hands and taking them to Fishlegs' and Heather's hut, "Hi Fishlegs its an emergency, can you look after Zephyr and Nuffink for me please, no time to explain I'll tell you later." Hiccup left Fishlegs standing on the front step with Zephyr and Nuffink and ran off to get Toothless and his inferno sword. On his way to get his inferno sword he went to tell Valka and Eleanor what was going on, and they went with him to go help Astrid.

Hiccup burst into the storage shed to find Merida about to slit Astrid's wrists. Astrid was pale in the face and weak in the legs. She had two black eyes and dry blood by her ear. "One step closer Haddock and the wife dies!" Merida said Psychotically, her mother stared at her scared, "Merida what are you doing?! This is NOT who you are, Hiccup is happily married with a family, you can't do this AND your petrifying their kids! You would hate it if you had a family and Astrid came and ruined it all!" Merida moved the knife away from Astrid and pointed it at her mother ready to throw it at her but Valka stepped in front of her and spoke up. "You, young lady, need to get a grip and wise up, you need to learn that violence doesn't solve everything and certain does NOT get you what you want! So step away from my son's lover and back off!" Hiccup turned around and looked at his mother, "mom! We are more than lovers! She is my wife and the mother of my children!" Valka gave an obvious look, "oh right, yeah I know that, sorry sweetheart!" 

Hiccup turned around and swung his inferno sword at Merida which made her step back quickly out of the way of the hit. Eleanor ran to help Astrid out of the chair. She untied her and helped her up and took her out of the shed to the dragons waiting outside. Eleanor helps Astrid onto Stormfly while Hiccup ties Merida to the chair that Astrid was once tied too and dragged her all the way down the hill back into the village and locked her up. 

Merida stayed there until Eleanor had apologised for her daughters mistakes, then Merida was locked up on her boat and they sailed back home. 

Astrid didn't want Hiccup to worry more than he already was, so when she went to Gothi, she made her promise not tell Hiccup about any of the injuries that couldn't be seen, she agreed and Astrid went home feeling much better.

*****Later that evening when Zephyr and Nuffink were in bed**********************************

Astrid in only her royal blue lingerie and Hiccup in only his boxers they made out on the sofa next to the warmly lit fireplace. Astrid stood up and so did Hiccup. She jumped on him wrapping her arms and legs around him as he carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. 

Hiccup lay on top of Astrid on the bed kissing her neck. "I feel so much better" Astrid moaned.

As Hiccup was pulling her panties off he realized the scar on Astrid's inner thigh that Merida had caused earlier that day, he sat up and just stared at it. Astrid sat up too, "Why'd you stop? it felt good." Hiccup had an annoyed look on his face. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" Astrid was confused. "Tell you about what?" Hiccup pointed at the scar on Astrid's thigh, "did it hurt?" Astrid didn't know what to say, "of course it hurt. . . . a lot, but I didn't want to worry you more, I know how you get." Hiccup was now furious, "Did Merida do this to you?" Astrid nodded her head, nervous about what he was going to do next.

Hiccup got off the bed and pulled his clothes back on, "I'm gonna kill her, literally kill her! She does NOT hurt my lady like that!" Astrid started to get dressed too and followed Hiccup out of the house as he stormed towards the stables to get Toothless. "Baby don't do this remember what your mother said, violence doesn't solve anything, and you will regret it afterwards!" Hiccup shook his head. "No, you can't talk me out of this mi' lady, she deserves what's coming for her!" Hiccup was now in a rage, and he was about to fly off when Astrid grabbed his hand. "Please Hiccup, don't do this, for me, just come back to bed, I don't want you to do this!" Astrid said as she broke down into tears just at the thought of her husband and the chief of Berke killing a lady. "Your kids would fear you, and I would flinch every time you raised your hand!" Hiccup felt broken, he couldn't believe he had made his wife feel this way about him, so he got down off of Toothless and gave his wife a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I won't go if you don't want me too." They stayed there and hugged for a while until, "Oh my thor, mi' lady your freezing, come on lets go back to the hut, we need to check on the kids anyway we left them alone for a while. 

So, peacefully, they walk back to their hut, hand in hand, to check on their children....

Thanks guys for reading this, this took me ages, this was my longest one shot I think with a total of 1464 words for all of the writing that isn't in bold. Hope you enjoyed it. Coming up next is a long overdue part 2 of 'WHAT A DICK' this was requested by @laurahofferson

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