An Old Friend Pt. 1

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Before you start reading, you should know Valka and Merida's mother are childhood friends. Which means Merida from Brave is included in this one shot.

Hiccup and Astrid ran down to the docks with Nuffink and Zephyr to greet their guests. Valka running close behind. Two women stepped off the boat, one about Astrid's age and one about Valka's age. "Eleanor!" shouted Valka, Eleanor greeted Valka with out stretched arms. They hugged happily and said "Long time no see, we haven't seen each other since our last year at clan academy!" Behind Eleanor stood a young woman maybe 2 or 3 years older than Astrid, she stepped forward and began to speak in a strong Scottish accent, "my name is Merida and I 'am here on royal business to discuss who I shall marry. Who is the current chief of this island?" Hiccup stepped forward to introduce himself and his family. He held out his hand to shake hers and began to explain his situation, "Hi I'm Hiccup, I' am the current chief of Berke, but I' am already betrothed to this beautiful young lady right here." he says making Astrid blush. Hiccup begins to speak again, "and we have two amazing children together, Zephyr, my oldest and Nuffink, my youngest and heir to Berke. So I'm sorry Princess Merida but you shall have to continue your search on another island, Outcast Island isn't far from here." Merida gagged, "no I'm not going to that dump, I shall marry you Hiccup."

Astrid looks at Hiccup worriedly, Hiccup turned round and looked at his wife reassuringly, "babe you don't need worry, I'm not going to run off and marry this confused Scottish Bitch!" Hiccup said laughing. Hiccup turns back around to face Merida again and there stood directly in front of him are Eleanor and Valka. "You may be a married chief but it is polite to let them stay over night so they can rest. Hiccup was speechless but put them up for the night in the spare hut. 

*****2 hours later *****************************************************************************

Hiccup and Astrid were laying in bed, when they heard a window smash and a muffled scream come from Zephyr and Nuffink's room. Hiccup instantly ran into their room to see Merida trapping Zephyr in her arms with a flint at her neck whilst Nuffink was hiding under his bed. 

Hiccup pulled out his Inferno sword and flung it around threatening Merida. "I'm not scared of you or that, you would never hurt a fly!" Hiccup grinned, "no, your right I wouldn't, unless it meant protecting my wife and kids!" Hiccup swung the sword leaving a deep slit on Merida's cheek, she put her hand to her face to stop the blood from running down her cheek and jumped out of the window again and onto her horse, fleeing back to her cabin. 

Zephyr and Nuffink ran into their parents arms, "are you okay?" Astrid said worriedly. They nodded fearfully. And they all embraced in a family hug in the middle of the children's bedroom. 

***** The next morning************************************************************************

Astrid, Hiccup, Zephyr and Nuffink walked into the great hall for breakfast to see Eleanor and Valka talking and laughing joyously. Then Merida walked in with a fresh scar on her cheek. Eleanor looked at her daughter, "where did you get off to last night Merida, and what happened to your face?" Merida quickly thought up an excuse and said, "Oh, I went into the forest to practice some archery and I scuffed my cheek with an arrow, clean bullseye though!" Eleanor rolled her eyes and thought nothing of it. Merida nor Hiccup intended on telling anyone what had happened that night especially Merida because that would mean she would have to explain what she was doing at the Hofferson - Haddock hut and that wouldn't end well for her, so she kept her mouth shut. Everyone tucked into their breakfast at the vast wooden table in the center of the great hall and tried to forget the nightmare that took place that night. 

Little did Hiccup know that Merida was NOT finished torturing his family just yet. . . .

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