Part 1

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Y/n shifted their bag onto their shoulder and shuffled into the large building looming in front of them. The Hero Association HQ. Y/n had been in this building many times before; too many times. But none of those times were anything like this one.

Y/n's job was to fix machines and robots when they broke, because none of the other tech heroes bothered to do so. And today, many of Metal Knight's machines had malfunctioned on behalf of an unknown cause, and Y/n had to be the one to explain why.

Y/n cursed under their breath as they thought about the events that were about to unfold. Bustles of people surrounded them and pushed them toward one of the nearby elevators. As Y/n stepped into the elevator, they noticed a couple curious looks. Many of the people were likely going to the second or third floor where a lot of customer service took place, so unless they complained a lot, this was probably their first time here. Y/n however, looked like they had been there many times before, which was actually true. A small child nudged them from the side.

"Excuse me, but are you a hero?" She asked. Y/n smiled and shook their head. They got that a lot. The little girl nodded. "What about that girl over there?"

Y/n brought their attention over to the woman leaning against the wall on the other side of the elevator. It was the first time they had noticed someone else over there, and once they did, they realized that she was, in fact, a hero.

The woman leaning against the wall swept a green lock of hair out of her face as she leafed through a magazine that had been offered on the first floor. They couldn't make out much of her face because of the sunglasses she wore, but they didn't need to. Class S, Rank 2, Terrible Tornado.

Y/n turned back around and gave the child a nonchalant shrug. They wasn't about to let this entire group of people that there was an S-Class hero there with them. Y/n shifter their bag to their other shoulder and tried to lean against the wall too.

But right as they did, the elevator lurched to a stop causing them to tumble forward and nearly fall right out of the elevator. Luckily, some sort of force seemed to grab hold of them and save them from tumbling out onto the ground in front of this entire group of people. But who could've done that?

Y/n stumbled forward and looked around with bewilderment. No one else seemed notice what had happened, as if they had miraculously managed to not trip in such a short amount of time that they didn't even realize anything had happened at all. They glanced back at Tornado, just quickly enough for no one else to notice.

Her eyes flitted toward theirs for what seemed like less than a second, but in that time they felt as if a special connection had been made, as if something had happened that was only between the two of them.

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