Little - Yoonminseok

Start from the beginning

While trying to reach for a glass bowl to mix the sauces in, his hand slipped, a gasp leaving his lips as the bowl fell through his fingers and smashed loudly against the counter. He panicked, worrying that Hoseok and Jimin would be mad for breaking the bowl, and in his hurry to try and clear up the mess he managed to cut his hand on a piece of glass, yelping and pulling it back in an instant as tears sprung to his eyes.

Oh no.

Just the sight of a scarlet droplet of blood running down the back of his hand was enough to throw Yoongi straight into littlespace, the boy crying out loudly as he clutched his injured hand to his chest.
It was mere seconds until both Jimin and Hoseok had burst into the room, Jimin running over to the oldest and dragging him away from the glass as Hoseok went immediately to clearing it up.

"Baby what happened?? Are you hurt?" Jimin asked in a hurry as he put his hands on the oldest's shoulders and looked him over in concern, but Yoongi just continued to wail loudly, tears streaming down his porcelain cheeks. The little didn't resist when Jimin wrapped his arms around him and brought him into his chest, holding him gently but tightly as Yoongi immediately went to burying his face in his chest.

Hoseok could see the panic in Jimin's eyes as he tried desperately to get Yoongi to calm down, and he walked over and pulled Yoongi away from Jimin.
"What's wrong, Yoongi?" He spoke with a tone laced in concern and confusion, and Yoongi pulled his hand away from his chest to show Hoseok his small wound while using the other hand to point to where he'd smashed the bowl.

"I-I... It huwts Seokie!" He sobbed, Hoseok's and Jimin's eyes widening so much at that, freezing for a moment, before Jimin realised something.
"Oh Yoongi... Hold on, do you want mittens, baby?" Jimin asked softly, seeing how Yoongi looked up at him with glossy eyes and nodded vigorously. Hoseok's brows furrowed further in confusion; mittens was the name of a special cat stuffed toy that Yoongi had, and he couldn't sleep without it. In all honesty, the two younger's had been trying to work out what could be up with Yoongi, so when littlespace had popped up on their internet searches one day, things began clicking into place. The partially hidden stuffed toys, the hair clip, the high-pitched voice that they'd catch him talking to himself in, it all made sense.

"Are you... you're a little?" Hoseok asked suddenly as each piece of the puzzle suddenly clicked into place, but Yoongi shrunk into himself, eyes brewing with new tears at that which made Hoseok gasp.
"Oh, no no kitten I'm not mad. Seokie understands." Hoseok spoke softly as he reached out for the older, Yoongi letting out a whimper as he fell into Hoseok's arms and waited for Jimin to return with mittens.

"Yoonie s-sowwy, Yoonie sowwy!" The little cried out, Hoseok hushing him gently as he ran a soft hand through Yoongi's hair in an attempt to get him to calm down.
"It's okay baby, accidents happen." Jimin spoke gently from behind them, Yoongi spinning around and making grabby hands for the stuffed toy in Jimin's hands. The youngest chuckled, handing Yoongi the stuffed toy and watching with fondness at how Yoongi's eyes lit up and he hugged it tightly.

"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell us that you were a little? We could have helped to look after you." Hoseok spoke with a frown, Yoongi hiding his face in the stuffed toy and whining.
"Iss embawasin. An Seokie an Minnie no like wittle Yoonie." He whimpered, Jimin gasping and swooping forwards to pick the little up.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of, baby. And Seokie and I will always love our Yoongi no matter what, big or small." Jimin said truthfully, grinning when he saw the little's gummy smile peek out after all the tears.

"C'mon kitten, let's get your hand patched up and then Seokie will finish dinner for you, yeah?" Hoseok suggested as he booped Yoongi's nose with his index finger, Yoongi giggling and wiping his eyes with his fists as he nodded.
"Otay Seokie."

The little squealed as Hoseok picked him up suddenly, Yoongi clinging onto his with a shy smile as his two boyfriends took him into the bathroom. Yoongi was sat on the counter while Jimin pulled out the first aid kit, and Hoseok looked over the little cut on Yoongi's hand, tutting.
"I need to clean it, buttercup. It'll sting a little, alright?" Hoseok spoke softly, and Yoongi nodded with a pout, sucking in a breath and puffing up his chest.
"Yoonie wiw be a bwave boy." He spoke, Jimin smiling and kissing the little's forehead when Yoongi winced at how Hoseok carefully pressed disinfectant onto the wound.

"You're doing so well baby, I'm nearly done." Hoseok spoke, and although Yoongi looked close to crying again Jimin had found a distraction, pulling out two boxes of plasters and showing them to the little.
"I found these special plasters for special boys. Do you want the Nemo or the Pikachu plasters, Yoonie?" Jimin asked with a soft smile that had Yoongi relaxing immediately, an excited smile on his face.
"Peekachoo!" He giggled, Jimin smiling and placing the requested plaster on the little's hand.

"There! All better." Jimin spoke enthusiastically, placing his hands on Yoongi's waist and helping the little down from the counter. They noticed Yoongi's face fall suddenly, the little hanging his head low as he rocked on his toes and fiddled guiltily with his hands.
"Yoonie sowwy fow bweakin bowl. Was assident." The little mumbled quietly, and Hoseok smiled and bent down a little so that he could press soft kisses to Yoongi's forehead, his lips quickly dancing and prcking all over Yoongi's face, making the little giggle and squeal.

"It's okay kitten, like Jiminie said, accidents happen. Now, why don't you and Minnie go and cuddle in the lounge while I prepare dinner, hm?" Hoseok suggested, Yoongi nodding excitedly as he shyly grabbed Jimin's hand and dragged the youngest out of the room, Jimin flashing Hoseok a smile which made the latter chuckle. Jimin lay down on the sofa on his back first, before Yoongi jumped on top of him, Jimin letting out an 'Oof' as he did so.

The younger raised his eyebrow at the little who giggled cheekily before cuddling up to Jimin's chest, stuffed toy still clasped in his hands.
"You can tell Seokie and I anything, baby boy. No more hiding." Jimin whispered as he pressed a kiss into Yoongi's hair, the little nodding with a small smile as he closed his eyes.
"I wuv you an Seokie."
Jimin's eyes widened and heart melted at the cuteness of his generally-cold hyung, taking advantage of the older's clinginess and hugging him tightly.
"We love you too, sweetheart. So much."

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