Never Trust a Snake

Start from the beginning

Zane looks to see fire in the Green Ninja's eyes as well as having his right hand alight and the Falcon perched on his left arm. "Who are you?" He stands up "Kai, is that you?"

He then looks at the Guardian Ninja. "Lacey?" He asked. The said Ninja only tilts her head.

Suddenly Multiple Falcons fly around Zane. "What's the meaning of this? Who are you, Green Ninja?"

There are soon multiple copies of the Falcon on the deck, but before anything, he woke up revealing it was all a dream.


Zane wakes up, hitting his head on the top bunk of the bed like in his dream. He blinks owlishly, he shakes his head.

Jay chuckled. "Oh, sleeping in. You're gonna be late for training." He was all ready and good to go, along with the others.

Zane frowns, getting up. "Oh, how come no one awakened me?"

"We didn't think you wanted us to. You looked like you were having some dream." Kai spoke up, tying up his Gi.

Zane furrows his eyebrows. "How do I know this isn't a dream-" He gets hit in the face with a pillow by Cole.

"Does that feel like a dream?" The Earth Ninja grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

Zane sighs. "No. Thank you for your help." This gets the others to laugh at him. They go on the deck.

Kai snickers. "Hehe. Little slow today, huh? What exactly did you dream about?"

"I saw the Falcon again."

Jay blinks. "Whoa. Zane, every time you see that bird, something big happens. First, it lead you to the secret tree house." He starts.

"Then it lead you to the Bounty." Cole nods.

Wu cones up, standing in front of them. "All right. Stretches. First, the Swooping Crane." He faces away from the ninja to demonstrate a stretch.

"This time, it showed me the Green and Guardian Ninjas," Zane whispered.

"The Green and Guardian Ninjas?" Kai, Jay and Cole whispered, shocked. Their forms changed while Wu was teaching them.

"That looks like the Shocked monkey. Bad form, more focus," Wu said to his students as he turned back.

"You can't just drop a bomb like that. Spill the beans," Jay whispered.

"Yeah, what else did you see?" Kai whispered.

"They were fighting Lord Garmadon," Zane whispers back to them.

"That's what the prophecy said. That the Green and Guardian Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. But did you have a chance to see which one of us was the Green Ninja? And was the Guardian Ninja, Lacey?" Kai said whispering.

"Yeah," Jay whispered.

"Did you see?" Cole whispered simultaneously.

"I could not tell. The Green Ninja shared attributes each of us possess." Zane whispered.

"Now, Pinching Crab." Wu said as they continued whispering and chatting quietly.


In the Kitchen Lacey sat with a wide grin on her face as she devoured the fudge, chocolate, brownie cake. Which was not healthy! Oh boy, Cole was gonna be mad, oh well.

She was also happy that she hadn't had a nightmare last night, she should really tell Sensai but she was to lazy to do that. She shrugged and finished the cake, walking back to her room.

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