Nothing's Changed

Start from the beginning

Winner: Aburame Shino

Tsurugi Misumi versus Kankuro

Winner: Kankuro

Yamanaka Ino versus Haruno Sakura

Winner: Haruno Sakura

Tenten versus Temari

Winner: Temari

Nara Shikamaru versus Tsuchi Kin

Winner: Nara Shikamaru

Dosu Kinuta versus Akamichi Chouji

Winner: Dosu Kinuta

Uzumaki Naruto versus Inuzuka Kiba

Winner: Uzumaki Naruto

Hyuuga Neji versus Hyuuga Hinata

Winner: Hyuuga Neji

Gaara versus Rock Lee

Winner: Gaara

Sakura blinked at the amount of bad luck the world must have placed on her. Her soft features scowled into a look of annoyance as she read her final match for the Chuunin Exam.

"I have high hopes for you, fellow predator." Speaking of the Devil, Sakura turned to look at the red haired Sunagakure genin. His green eyes, eerily similar to her own, shined with challenge, "Try not to disappoint me, Haruno Sakura." He spoke softly before turning to leave the arena.

Beside her, Shikamaru snorted. "As your teammate, I wish you good luck. As your friend, I hope you know how fucked you are right now."

"That's not really helping me, Shikamaru." Sakura pouted as she turned to address her teammates. From her peripheral, she could see Asuma making his way towards the trio.

"Statistically, either you or Sasuke are the only ones capable of going against the deranged redhead. Although yours is probably a good ten to fifteen percent more chance of surviving." Shino voiced out.

"Ah, I'm so proud of my students for passing the preliminaries," Asuma called out, "So, what's the plan?" He asked with a cocky grin on his bearded face.




Asuma pouted, "Those weren't the answers I was hoping for, but okay. Never thought I'd see the day little Miss Sakura says the word 'die' though." He chuckled in amusement, "C'mon, lighten up a little."

"She's going up against the guy that nearly killed Lee, I kinda get where she's coming from." Shikamaru scoffed, "Let's get out of here already. I want to change clothes and take a nap. This whole thing was a scam and a waste of effort." He traced a few tears on his shirt, disdain etched on his face.

"Shikamaru – san is cranky when he's tired, yes?" Shino tilted his head towards the pinkette whose eyes were also fixated in wonder at the uncharacteristically loud Nara.

"I guess? It seems I have to revisit the library and read about the Nara Clan. I never encountered this feature regarding their laidback mannerism." Sakura crossed her arms, "There must be something written about this as well with Social Norms books, I'd have to check those out too." She mused.

Onyx eyes glared at the two, "I'm tired and I want to eat. I have the right to get cranky like a normal person. Troublesome."

"Before we go, I'd like to inform you guys ahead that I won't be able to train any of you for the finals." Asuma's comment made the trio turn back towards him with a questioning gaze, "I don't want to play favorites, so it's a free for all. Plus, I have a mission that's going to last a good two weeks, so I won't be much of help, really."

"May we know what your mission is about?" Sakura asked.

The bearded man shrugged, "There are plans on making you guys shadow real Ambassadors once the whole Chuunin Exam settles down. As proposed by the Elders, the three of you will be sent to three different lands instead of going as a group. My mission is to make the necessary arrangements with your future mentors and process a few papers with the Daimyos."

"But didn't we get enough experience when we went to Kiri?" Shikamaru asked.

The man shook his head, "Not quite. Plus, Kirigakure is not the only land we intend to send you guys." He clapped his hands twice, "Now, shall we go?"  




Yeah, I'm alive hehe :))

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