"But hon!" Type's dad tried to stop his wife cause he knew how this topic affected his wife. Even just reminding a small part of it makes her panic more if she tries to remember and tell everything. It's not good for her heart

"HON! I need to do this. I can't keep this a secret anymore. He needs to know the truth. can't you see our son is suffering!" Layla almost yelled, which made Type's dad understood that what she said was right.

"Long time ago, I was just 15 years old before I met Tharn's dad. Your dad and I are already in a relationship. We love each other so much that we plan to have our wedding right after we graduate. Even though life is unfair for both of us, we make sure to support one another, which is enough for us.

But one day..." Type's mom started to feel something weird on her chest. Which made Type's dad worried, but Layla just smiled at him, saying she was okay.

"One day, Jesdaporn, Tharn's dad, found me in one of my gigs. He said that he had fallen in love with me. It was love at first sight for him. He tried to ask me on a date. He gave me so many things. He even asked for my parent's permission to court me, but that time. I don't feel anything for him. I love your dad. He is my life. But Jes doesn't take no for an answer. He concluded with my parent and forced me to wed him. I don't have a choice at that time cause my parent is struggling in life at that time. Your grandmother, my mom, has a severe heart condition at that time, and Jesdaporn is the only option to help her. I don't have a choice but the break my heart to help my parents. I left your dad and agreed to wed him. I thought that someday I could learn to love Jesdaporn. For ten long years, believe me, Son, I did my best to love him back. But how can I learn to love someone like him? How can I learn to love a monster!!" When Type heard that, he shockingly looked at his mom, who is now crying so hard. He can see how much hurt she is feeling right now

"Many people that time thought that he was a perfect man. But they were wrong because he is a monster inside our house. Every day he will force me into having s*x with him. He doesn't care where we do it or when we do it. Even some people can see us. He doesn't care. He treats me like a whore, even though he told me that he loves me. Did you know that we didn't have any maids at that time? He makes me do all of the house chores, and after that, he still expects me to serve him in bed. Even when I was already pregnant with my son, he didn't care. He only thinks of himself and his need. He doesn't let me go outside. He doesn't like me talking to anyone. If I did, he would beat me like I was not his wife. He will slap me, punch me, call me names, push me, hit me with every item that he can find. For ten long years, I accepted all of that. But one day, I met your dad during you're mom's funeral. He saw me talking to your dad. He followed me there and when I went back to our house. He beats me to death. I thought I was going to die, son. I thought I was going to die. He left me in our room, struggling to breathe. He left me there for days.

I thought that was going to be the end of me. But then again, a ray of sunshine came to me. One day, when he left work. He accidentally left one of his phones in our room. That is when I saw an opportunity to call your dad. He helps me escape that hell. He helps me to get away from that monster. I even have to change my name and fake my death to do it.

My son, Tharn, wouldn't remember this cause he was still very much of a child at that time. Thorn? I made my eldest son go to the US, where his grandparent is because I didn't want him to see how his father treats his mother. I don't want to ruin his childhood. I can take all the beating, but I can't take it if it affects my son. I know It's my fault that I didn't think of them when I left. But I was just really struggling to live. After that, I tried everything to make contact with my sons, but I couldn't approach or talk to them in person without risking Jesdaporn to know that I was alive. I can't go back there, Son. I can't. Your dad saves me from him. Your dad has become my savior and my second life. My first love."

And there, Layla can't take it anymore and just continue to cry. All the memories that she tried her best not to remember are currently overflowing right inside her mind.

Type who heard everything quickly grabs his mom's hand and started to cry

"I'm so sorry, Mom! I didn't know. I didn't know!" Type repeatedly said these words to his mom

"It's okay, son. It's okay. I understand." Layla keep on saying these words to his son

They are both just crying for a few minutes, then suddenly Layla feels her chest is starting to feel tight. She tried to stand but right after she did.

SHE COLLAPSED! In front of her son and her husband

"MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Her son's yelled in unison.



Now we know what happened to Type's Step Mom/ Tharn Real Mom in the past

This is the end of the flashback, and We will now go back to the present.

What do you think will happen next.



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