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@ leo_valdez:

The one where we got engaged

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The one where we got engaged.

Tagged: @calypso_O

Viewed by: 836,269,286


@ piper_mclean: OMGGSS!! YESS!!! ANOTHER DONE!!

@ leo_valdez: Lmao, I was expecting- "What is wrong with you all.. So many engagements at once!"

@ piper_mclean: That was coming. But First- fangirling and then questioning. That is the 1st rule under fangirling!

@ piper_mclean: Kids these days won't understand.

@ leo_valdez: Hey! I am not a kid! I am EngAGED!!

@ piper_mclean: I got engaged before youu!! So I am elder than you!

@ leo_valdez: Excuse me?

@ piper_mclean: Excused!

@ leo_valdez: Wait! You got engaged first and so You are elder than me??

@ piper_mclean: YES! PERIODT. BYE! I HAVE TO GO! 

@ leo_valdez: Answer me???

@ piper_mclean: Sorry, but I have better work than to answer you!

@ leo_valdez: What are they!?

@ piper_mclean: FIRST CONGRADULATE YOUR FIANCE!  Then plan your wedding!! ANd then fangirl even more.. and then repeat all of the above!!

@ jason_grace: What about our wedding?

@ annabeth_chase: *cough* Please excuse me *cough* WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WORRYING WHEN I AM THERE!!!?

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