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@ annabeth_chase:

She stole my man ^^

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She stole my man ^^

tagged: @percy_jackson

Viewed by: 734,283,472


@ percy_jackson: Someone is jealous, I see-

@ annabeth_chase: NO I AM NOT JEALOUS!!

@ percy_jackson: The post explains it, Wise Girl.

@ annabeth_chase: I was bored, so I decided to post it!

@ percy_jackson: Sure, you were boREd

@ annabeth_chase: Either ways, STELLA IS SO CUTE!!!

@ piper_mclean: YES!! I K R!! SHE WILL BE YOUR SISTER-IN-LAW!! And secondly, @ annabeth_chase r you tryna change the topic.

@ annabeth_chase: Firstly, YES SHE IS SOO CUTE!!. Secondly, Percy and I are not engaged. Thirdly, I am waiting for God sons-  Fourthly, No-  I am not changing the topic!

@ piper_mclean: To your second statement: Don't worry, you will soon. To your third statement, Even Calypso and Leo got married; you could get god sons/ daughters for them too. Lastly, Yes you are!!

@ annabeth_chase: Nah he won't. You guys have been together for over  1 and a half years. Percy and I have too, but he died for 9 months, so yea.

@ annabeth_chase: Also, I want god children from all the couples here.

@ piper_mclean: So, what would you say if Percy asked you??

@ piper_mclean: You are eager to get children huh?

@ annabeth_chase: idk, idk-

@ annabeth_chase: No! I mean yes, but that implies : "Boys get to work. (even girls too)"

@ piper_mclean: Yes Percy, GET TO WORK!!

@ percy_jackson: :|

@ piper_mclean: Also, the underlined comments are the ones which Percy sent. Not me!!!

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