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"Put your seatbelt"

Jungkook reminded before starting the engine, the girl didn't respond but do she was told.

If you are wandering where they are going than let me tell you, they are going to airport to take Taehyung's sister Irene.

Taehyung didn't know about him, it's a surprise for him for his birthday.

The others can't come since they were busy, decorating the party house.

The whole ride was filled with silence, all they can hear was the car horns, but Jisoo broke the silence by saying.

"When we will reach"

"10 minutes'' was the only simple reply came from his mouth.

Seriously what happen to him, why is he acting so cold, in school he was completely fine and now, did something happen in that three hours when he gone home.

Sighing, the girl finally decided to ask but before it, she look outside the window, she didn't want to make eye contact with that jerk.

"What happen to you" she ask.

The question make Jungkook look at her but in one second he look back at the road and reply "What happen to me, nothing"

Enough, jisoo look at him bitterly and bit her lip in annoyance, can't he just tell her what happen.

"Can't you just tell" jisoo yelled what was in her mind and gritted her teeth.


You are nothing to me, wow cool, it was the word the break Jisoo's heart into pieces, as she just stared at the window, biting her lips.

As for Jungkook, there was only one thing in his mind.

I'm sorry for everything I do in the past Jungkook, I just love you, please give me a second chance, I love you.


They reach airport, still there was a awkward silence between them, jungkook sometime steal glances at Jisoo feeling sorry for what he hid, but Jisoo he didn't even look at him.


It was the voice that made Jisoo look at the front where a beautiful girl was coming with a bright smile in her face, and the more surprising thing was, jungkook and she hugged.

'it must be Irene unnie, Taehyung's sister'

Jisoo's pov.

"Hi are you Kim Jisoo" the beautiful goddess in front of me ask.

"Uh..yah and you are Irene unnie  Taehyung's sister" I ask.

"Oh I heard you two are dating" she asking looking at me and again at Jungkook, ewww.

Taehyung must have tell her, he know it's all fake but still...that guy.

I can see Jungkook look at me but I didn't give a fuck to it, now smiling and some moments ago shouting at me, cool guy.

"No'' I replied simply.

"No-noona she is just mad at me'' I heard him say and suddenly I feel a hand wrapping my shoulder, and the hands belongs to Jungkook "Why did you say no huh" he ask but I didn't reply, I'm still mad at him.

I removed his hands from my shoulder gently and give a smile to Irene unnie "Let's go" I can see her chuckle sweetly, did she find it cute, duhh.

"You two look good together" she complimented, which I didn't find cute but still smile, I look at my side and see Jungkook blushing, did he use to have mood swings.

The whole ride I didn't speak a single word, only the both were talking about how they were, how they spend days.


"Where are you all taking me" taehyung ask for the 5th time since we covered his eyes and take him to Jungkook house.

"Taehyung it's a surprise" jennie giggle and take taehyung to the room.

I look around and wow this guys do good decorations, and I didn't know they invite guests too, most of them are from our school I guess.

"Ready" jungkook ask in which Taehyung nod.

I was holding Taehyung's one hand so I slowly open his eyes, and he was blinking a few times before looking with a confuse look and it quickly change to a smile a wide smile.

"Did you like it" jimin ask patting his back.

"Are you kidding I love it" taehyung replied and we giggled.

What make us shock was that a single tear fall from his eyes, as he hug his other 6 friends, and we four were looking at them with a wide smile on our faces.

"Stop reacting schild, and c'mon I'm hungry" Jin snapped folding his arms making everyone laugh.

Well, we enjoy it much we drink we eat Taehyung even sing a song, he have a wonderful voice, and as a another gift the other 6 sing too now it was turn for Jungkook to sing, he came on the middle of the crowd and bow.

Wander, what song he is going to sing, is he even good at singing, guess he wants to embarrass himself in front of the whole school.

"So guys the song I'm going to sing is for Taehyung's birthday but I wanna dedicate this song to my Girlfriend Kim Jisoo" he announced.

Whatt!!! wth is he thinking, I gulped before giving him a death glare and his response was just a giggle, is he trying to impress me.

Meanwhile he start singing, and I got lost there, didn't know he have this good voice, he have an angelic and a sweet voice.

If you are wandering what's the song is than...



Hope u like it

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