You might feel alone, but you aren't Yuma. You never have been or ever will be. Remember that you can talk to all of us. Astral might not be here, but he is with you in your memories. Treasure them, as you treasure your friendships.

The display ended and removing his duel gazer, Yuma realised he was crying for the second time today. But these were tears of happiness and gratitude. Yuma made a mental note to ask Shark when he had made it, and thank him for it when he saw him tomorrow. Then he climbed into the bed in his room, which he'd moved into, because the memories of Astral haunted the attic, and caused him too much pain to remain in there, and settled into a dreamless sleep.

Shark was walking down the streets in front of his Mansion the following morning, a frown etched onto his face. Walking next to him was the orange haired Vector. This was why he was in a bad mood. He didn't like Vector, let alone trust him. None of the Barians did. But Vector was as much one of them, and as much a victim as anyone of them, that they couldn't shut him out. Plus, if shit started hitting the fan, Vector's unpredictability would be useful. Didn't mean Shark had to forgive Vector for two wars, killing his sister thrice and attempting to kill him three times and succeeding once. The reason for Vector insisting on walking with Shark, was because Shark was purposely walking, so he could wait for Yuma; who Shark had told the other Barians, had recovered his smile. Shark would have preferred to be alone with Yuma.

Vector was an excited ball of energy. Unable to walk in a straight line it seemed. If Shark didn't know any better, Vector could have been drunk. He wasn't. Shark wished he was. It would certainly make Vector more bearable.

"Why don't we take this short cut?" Vector suggested, a huge grin on his face, as he pointed to an alley.

"No, we are not taking the 'Ray way', for the 100th time." Shark sighed, "It always leads to pain, and running." Shark wasn't going to say he didn't want to be down an alley with Vector.

"Who told you that?" Vector asked, smiling Ray's smile.

"No one." Shark answered, "I've just seen how roughed up and out of breath you and Yuma were when you two have taken the 'Ray way' in the past. I'm not so naïve as to go the 'Ray way' after that." Shark didn't want to call Yuma stupid, because he wasn't, he was, back then, naïve and trusting, but never stupid.

Shark was some what relieved when they reached Yuma's house. He decided to knock on the door to see if he had left yet. Vector was waiting, lent casually on the wall next to the gate, pouting as he followed Shark's instructions. Shark wasn't left waiting anymore then a couple of minutes when a woman with light hair, scarlet eyes and a kind face answered the door. This must have been Yuma's mother.

"Can I help you?" she asked brightly.

"Hi, Mrs Tsukumo," Shark replied wondering why he was being so formal, "I'm Shark. One of Yuma's friends. I was wondering if he's left for school yet. You see I was wondering if he was alright after he got home yesterday, because he was really upset."

"So you're Shark?" Mrs Tsukumo smiled, "You can call me Mira. No, Yuma's just getting ready to leave, do you and your friend want to come in and wait for him?"

"Um, sure." Shark said, whistling to get Vector's attention and indicated for him to come in with him. 

"Hi Shark," Kari greeted Shark when she saw him waiting by the front door, then scowled at Vector.

"Hi Kari." Shark smiled. "Mira, this is Ray." Shark pointed at Vector, who put on a smile so big that his eyes classed. Shark had to fight really hard to not punch him. 

"You don't have to keep your cover here, Nasch." Mira said, "I understand why you are, but don't forget Kazuma wasn't the only one trapped in Astral World. I was there too. I know who you all are. Also Vector, if I ever find out that you've hurt my son, you will have me to deal with." Shark smirked, as Vector looked dumb founded.

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